City Administration Unveils Fresh Facebook Channel in Wake of Cyber Attack


The Barsinghausen city administration has resumed its activities on social media after the hacker attack on its Facebook profile. At the same time, the employees of the committee and press office have used the opportunity to create a new presence on Instagram in order to be able to appeal more to young people in particular. As Mayor Henning Schünhof emphasizes, these are already the first visible preparations for filling the newly planned position in the area of ​​social media management. The city administration, the city savings bank and the municipal utilities had agreed to combine their activities in this area in the future in order to sustainably increase efficiency and effectiveness.

According to city spokesman Benjamin Schrader, the city administration’s new Facebook and Instagram presence is called Gemeinde Barsinghausen. The reason for creating a new channel is that, despite extensive attempts, it was not possible to regain control of the previous channel under the name “Stadt Barsinghausen”. “In view of this, we have decided to stop the corresponding efforts and create a new presence,” says Benjamin Schrader. Several posts have already been published in the past few days and users have been actively called upon to follow the new Facebook presence. “The aim is to reach the approximately 2,000 so-called followers again as quickly as possible.” According to the city spokesman, current reports and dates as well as special campaigns for anniversaries and important events will be posted as usual. “In particular, the posts on anniversaries such as 50 years of the city festival and 50 years of district reform have regularly received several thousand views. We will also be publishing our job advertisements and news from the city administration on Facebook again,” explains Benjamin Schrader.

Since the Facebook page was blocked, there has been a significant drop of around 50,000 clicks in homepage access. “The reach of our website has therefore fallen by almost 20 percent. This shows that our channel played an important role in the everyday lives of the people of Barsinghausen, especially since traditional media have become increasingly less important for people in recent years.” In July, unknown persons cracked the password for the city administration’s Facebook page, depriving the administrators from the city administration of access and spreading several messages in Chinese via the channel. According to current knowledge, this was not a bad boy prank, adds Mayor Henning Schünhof. Shortly after the incident became known, the police department began investigations against unknown persons. So far, however, it has not been possible to identify the perpetrators. This is also a sign of a certain level of professionalism, emphasizes Benjamin Schrader.

Photo: ta

Here are some People ⁢Also​ Ask (PAA) ‌related questions for the​ title “Discover Barsinghausen: A City Reborn ⁢in the⁣ Digital Age”:

Discover Barsinghausen:‌ A City Reborn in the⁤ Digital Age

Located⁢ in the heart ⁤of Germany,‍ Barsinghausen is a charming city that has undergone a significant transformation in recent years. ​From‌ its picturesque streets ​to its⁢ modern infrastructure, Barsinghausen is a city that seamlessly​ blends tradition with innovation. In this‍ article, ‍we’ll​ delve into⁢ the world of Barsinghausen,‌ exploring its digital‌ presence, ‌economic landscape, ⁤and what makes it a great place to live and visit.

A City Reborn on Social Media

After a hacker attack on its Facebook profile, the Barsinghausen city administration ⁣has launched a new ​presence on social media platforms, including ⁢Facebook‌ and Instagram ‍ [[1]]. This move marks a significant step towards⁤ increasing the city’s online visibility and engaging​ with its citizens, particularly the ‍younger generation. The city administration ⁢has created ‌a ⁤new channel⁣ called “Gemeinde Barsinghausen” to share updates, news, and ‍events, aiming ⁤to reach its 2,000 followers as quickly as possible.

Economic Landscape

Barsinghausen is an attractive destination for businesses, offering a range​ of economic incentives and infrastructure. ⁣The city’s‌ website provides valuable ​information on‍ its ⁤business landscape, including economy profiles, commercial areas, and job advertisements [[1]]. With a strong ‌focus on ⁣innovation and sustainability, Barsinghausen is an ideal ⁢location ​for entrepreneurs and companies looking to establish themselves in the region.

Instagram-Worthy Moments

Barsinghausen⁤ is a⁢ photographer’s paradise, ‍with its picturesque streets, historic ⁢landmarks, and scenic surroundings. ⁤Instagram users ​can explore the city’s charm through the hashtag‍ #barsinghausen, ‍which has garnered ⁢over 48,000 ​posts [[2]]. From stunning ⁣sunsets to vibrant cultural events, Barsinghausen⁤ is a city‍ that⁣ is full of life and color.

TikTok Fame

Barsinghausen has also made ​its‍ mark on TikTok, with the hashtag #BarsinghausenBrand boasting an impressive 258.1 ‌million views [[3]]. The city’s TikTok presence ‌is a testament to its vibrant culture, showcasing everything from local traditions to modern streetwear.

A City of Tradition ​and Innovation

Barsinghausen’s rich history and cultural ‌heritage are ⁤evident in its many ⁢festivals ‍and ⁤events throughout the year. ⁤From ⁢the annual city festival to the district‍ reform celebrations,‌ Barsinghausen knows how to throw‌ a party. The city’s website provides​ a ‍comprehensive calendar of events, ensuring that visitors and‍ locals ‌alike‍ can plan their activities and make the most of their time in Barsinghausen [[1]].


Barsinghausen is a city⁣ that is rapidly embracing the digital ‌age while preserving its​ rich cultural heritage. From its social media presence to‍ its economic landscape, Barsinghausen is a city⁤ that is truly reborn. Whether you’re a business owner, ‍a⁢ tourist, or simply a curious individual, Barsinghausen has⁢ something to offer everyone. So come and discover this charming German city for yourself!

Here is a PAA (People Also Ask) related question for the title “Discover Barsinghausen: A City Reborn in the Digital Age”:

Discover Barsinghausen: A City Reborn in the Digital Age

Located in the heart of Germany, Barsinghausen is a charming city that has undergone a significant transformation in recent years. From its picturesque streets to its modern infrastructure, Barsinghausen is a city that seamlessly blends tradition with innovation. In this article, we’ll delve into the world of Barsinghausen, exploring its digital presence, economic landscape, and what makes it a great place to live and



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