“Citizenship cannot be given as a gift” –

In Pontida it is the day of the Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban but also of General Roberto Vavvacci: “You really like this membership card thing, we’ll see…”, said the MEP during the visit to the stands of the traditional League party, replying to a question about his possible membership of the Northern League. “A party of mine? I’ve already denied that…”, he replies to reporters. Yesterday was characterized by the banner of a group of young Northern League members against Forza Italia leader Antonio Tajani defined as a “smuggler” for the ius scholae proposal. «Tajani made a proposal and we don’t agree, I don’t agree. I have carefully evaluated it and I don’t agree because citizenship cannot be sold, it cannot be given away, it cannot be sold off, it cannot be put on a market stall. Citizenship, eventually, is earned”, said Vannacci.

“And since there isn’t even reciprocity at an international level, argues Vannacci – with all these nations that would like Italian citizenship, in addition to being dual citizenship, because all foreigners who are born in Italy have the citizenship of ius sanguinis, therefore , they don’t need another citizenship. What is the reason why you want to give citizenship to these people? The only nations that have the ius soli are those that have based their existence on immigration, namely the United States, Canada, Brazil and Argentina”. On the insults to Tajani, however, Vannacci comments: “Vulgarity is never welcome”.

#Citizenship #gift #Tempo
2024-10-07 02:07:06



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