Citizens protest near Miraflores Palace

  • Alleged collectives fired into the air to try to disperse the demonstration | Main photo: El Diario

Dozens of people protested on Monday, July 29, near the Miraflores Palace, rejecting the results of the presidential elections issued by the National Electoral Council (CNE).

In exclusive images of The newspaper People are seen gathered with pots and pans and Venezuelan flags.

In addition, it was learned that a group of alleged colectivos fired into the air to try to disperse one of the protests, at the corner of Santa Capilla and Urdaneta Avenue.

Photo: The Diary

“Freedom, freedom. Venezuela wants freedom,” was the slogan used by a group of protesters.

At approximately 5:35 p.m., explosions were heard at the rally and state security officials were seen repressing the crowd with tear gas.

Protesters were also reported in O’Leary Square, in the centre of Caracas, near the Miraflores Palace.

Citizens tore down election banners bearing the face of Nicolás Maduro.

The protests in western Caracas also took place on Sucre Avenue in Catia. During this demonstration, it was learned that the Tres Raíces group was present to intimidate the protesters.

“We want freedom… That was a trap. It was a fraud,” said one of the protesters on Sucre Avenue in Catia, who was not identified, to reporter Katherine Dona.

It was also learned that residents of Baralt Avenue gathered at the corner of Balconcito. State security officials were present at the site.

Citizens protested near the Miraflores Palace
Photo: The Diary

Repression in Caracas

During the afternoon of July 29, Several demonstrations were repressed by the Bolivarian National Guard (GNB) in Caracas.

One of them was the demonstration located in the El Rosal sector, in the Chacao municipality, where officials threw tear gas bombs and pellets at citizens.

The VPI news channel reported that during the crackdown, the GNB arrested several of the protesters. However, the names of those arrested are unknown.

Following the attack by the armed forces, the protesters relocated to Francisco de Miranda Avenue, near Bello Campo (Chacao).

Another focus of repression was the El Paraíso tunnel, near El Cementerio, in the Libertador municipality of Caracas.

In a video posted on X (formerly Twitter), members of the Armed Forces were seen firing tear gas at residents in the area.

“The Armed Forces have freed the tunnels blocked by the squalids. They will not be able to defeat us,” said one of the GNB officials.

Citizens protest near Miraflores Palace
Photo: The Diary

Protests in several states of Venezuela

The presence of the Armed Forces during the protests It was also recorded in other states of the countryafter dozens of people took to the streets to protest against the results issued by the Electoral Authority.

One of the states where protests were reported was Barinas, where the arrest of two people by the Bolivarian National Intelligence Service (Sebin) was reported.

The detainees were identified by the non-governmental organization (NGO) Fundehullan as Victor Cruz and Milexis Peña.

“Citizens Victor Cruz (photographer) and his girlfriend Milexis Peña were arrested on Cuatricentenaria Avenue during a peaceful demonstration this Monday afternoon by alleged SEBIN officials,” the NGO reported.

Protests were also reported in Aragua, Carabobo, Lara, Falcón Anzoátegui, Táchira, Zulia, Vargas, among others.

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#Citizens #protest #Miraflores #Palace
2024-07-30 02:24:55



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