Circus SYRIZA: Unprecedented ridicule before the final collapse with a “ring” in KO 2024-09-01 00:48:08

As the report said for days, Mr. Kasselakis suggested via zoom that Sokratis Famellos leave the position of the president of K.O. of the party and for Nikos Pappas – convicted 13-0 by the Special Court – to take over, in view of the filing of a motion of censure by Pavlos Polakis at the meeting of the Central Committee of the 7her September.
It is even alleged that he spoke of “renegades” – he literally said that anyone who chooses to leave will alter the vote of the Greek people, who have chosen SYRIZA as the official opposition – trying to prevent some “87” MPs from becoming independent.

There were no independences, at least last night, but Sokratis Famellos picked up the gauntlet. He refused to resign as asked by Mr. Kasselakis and requested that the president’s general proposal be put to a vote, in accordance with the Rules of Procedure of the Parliament.

Shortly before it was finalized that the vote would finally take place and not be postponed – as requested by Mr. Karameros and Kedikoglou – Mr. Famellos questioned Mr. Kasselakis and asked the MPs to vote against the Kasselakis proposal in its entirety.

Finally, the Kasselakis proposal passed with 17 votes in favor, 12 against and 4 abstentions out of 33 MPs present. In other words, the de facto division that SYRIZA has been experiencing for months has also become de jure. According to information, Akrita, Apostolakis, Avlonitis, Vetta, Gavrilos, Dourou, Thraskia, Kasimati, Kokkalis, Malama, Meikopoulos, Nikos Pappas, Petros Pappas, Poulos, Sarakiotis, Tzakri, Christidou voted “yes”, Gerovasilis “no” , Giannoulis, Kalamatianos, Kedikoglou, Kontotoli, Linou, Barkas, Notopoulos, Xanthopoulos, Panagiotopoulos, Psychogios, Famellos and “present” are Zambaras, Karameros, Mamoulakis, Papailiou.

The Kasselakis staff – that is, those who did not know that Popi Tsapanidou was called yesterday morning by the presidium of the Parliament to announce her decision regarding the Iliopoulos seat and they called her at noon, to pressure her to change her mind – let it leak that in the midst of the stormy debate, Mr. Famellos retreated from his initial position. And while he was asking for a vote of impeachment against the president, he finally asked for a vote on his motion.

In essence, 17 yes, 12 no and 4 “present”, not only does not mean Kasselakis’s strengthening, but refers to a weak majority in K.O. of SYRIZA for the president of SYRIZA, a few days before the meeting of the Central Committee on September 7.

In his presentation, via zoom, Mr. Kasselakis proposed the replacement of Sokratis Famellos by Nikos Pappas in the position of head of the K.O. and extensive changes of persons in the Parliamentary Group, with the aim of having his own people take over the positions of responsibility.

Elena Akrita, Katerina Notopoulou and Haris Mamoulakis are said to have opposed the Kasselakis proposal. Although afterwards Elena Akrita reportedly changed her stance and asked Mr. Famellos not to persist in his position.

“Nobody talks about Socrates’ inadequacy. However, he must understand that he derives his legitimacy from the elected president”, Giorgos Gavrilos reportedly argued.

“Today we were supposed to discuss the TIF and the proposal is about how we will break up,” Katerina Notopoulou is reported to have emphasized during her deposition.

“As a Parliamentary Group we did not let a pin fall under what the ND is doing, we actually also produce seats. K.O. it was the only one that worked together. For months now, the production of political work has been permanently overshadowed by the production of introversion and parapolitics. Everything that happened until today was exclusively the president’s choices: NATO, holy alliance, anti-parliamentary speech, European elections with “where do you want to go”. Our targeting and posts of vague condemnation mean nothing when we are being systematically targeted by the leadership group,” he continued. And he concluded: “Democratically functioning parties tolerate dissent, the president posts and videos describing us as subversives and talks about a plan of entanglement, showing the exit door. I appreciate and love the comrades who were proposed to enter the presidency, but I call on them not to accept in order to save the cohesion and dignity of the Parliamentary Group. The president should withdraw his proposal, otherwise we will go to the polls.”


Guerrilla Famellou

Earlier, without Pavlos Polakis, who has been deleted, and Alexis Tsipras, who in the foreground keeps his distance, the Parliamentary Group was meeting in an atmosphere of great tension, especially after the proposal of Stefanos Kasselakis – via zoom – to propose Nikos Pappas for president of K.O. of the party, in the place of Sokratis Famellos, who reacted immediately, said that he is not resigning and asked to follow the procedures provided by the K.O.’s operating statutes. That is, to put the motion of censure against him to a secret vote.

In the meeting in which 33 MPs participated – the new State MP Popi Tsapanidou was not in the room, while via zoom, apart from Mr. Kasselakis, Ev. Apostolakis and Kalliopi Vetta, who was infected with coronavirus – Mr. Famellos reportedly said that he had been at odds with Stefanos Kasselakis since the first week of his collaboration, with MPs replying to him why he never said so, while he was fired for the attitude of, arguing that it is not possible for the head of K.O. to resign. when he knows he is no longer the president’s choice.

Mr. Famellos also said that Kasselakis’ proposal to replace him leads to even greater introversion of SYRIZA, adding that “the real problems are not masked by surprises and removals”, but also that “K.O. for 11 months it has been working with unity and like-mindedness and has produced great parliamentary work”.

Kasselakis’ people claimed that Mr. Famellos spoke on the phone with Alexis Tsipras before announcing that he was not resigning, but this information was not confirmed by the MPs present.


He announced the removal of Spirtzis

Apart from Nikos Pappa – whom Mr. Kasselakis chose to head K.O. of SYRIZA, considering that he will get to the Central Committee the executives he lost due to the break with Pavlos Polakis – Mr. Kasselakis proposed Giorgos Gavrilos, Yiannis Sarakiotis and Nina Kasimati for parliamentary representatives. He also proposed Iota Poulos as the coordinator of the sector heads and Rallia Christidou as the deputy coordinator, while keeping Theodora Tzakri in their positions as the secretary of K.O. and Thanos Moraitis as the director of K.O. Deputy parliamentary representative, in place of Christos Giannoulis, Mr. Kasselakis proposed (from ANEL) Vassilis Kokkalis.

It is recalled that until now the parliamentary representatives were Nikos Pappas, Theofilos Xanthopoulos and Dionysis Kalamatianos.

Mr. Kasselakis claimed that he appointed Nikos Pappa as the head of K.O. of SYRIZA “firstly, because Nikos is a reputable economist with a PhD in economics from the University of Strathclyde in Scotland and in fact he did his thesis on the microeconomic effects of Greece’s demographic problem, which is very topical” but also because “he is a politician with solid political foundations, who has been targeted by the system from which he brought large revenues to the coffers of the state” that is, officially supporting as a leader the Pappa law for television licenses, which even Alexis Tsipras has publicly disapproved of.

Of course, before the chaos began, Mr. Kasselakis had warmly thanked Sokratis Famellos for the impeccable cooperation they had, he said that he “rose to the occasion” and “worthily represented SYRIZA from the floor of the Parliament against the worst post-colonial government ».

At the same time, Mr. Kasselakis announced ahead of the conference “big changes”, “an end to left-wing measures”, while he indirectly “asked” Christos Spirtzis to resign, attributing to him leaks from the meetings in the party bodies: “Can the Ethics Committee it follows its procedure, but it is obvious that executives who express themselves in this way are consciously choosing to put themselves outside the party.

#Circus #SYRIZA #Unprecedented #ridicule #final #collapse #ring



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