Circus performance in Mauthausen: Dog attacked 4 camels

After the introduction, a previously unknown man let the animal loose without a leash, and the dog then made its way to the camels, which were housed in boxes in a stable. When the ringmaster’s 23-year-old son intervened, he also received a minor injury to his shin.

“Thank God that happened immediately after the show and we were there quickly,” said circus director Alex Kaiser to APA on Sunday. The thick camel hair on the animals’ legs may also have prevented more serious injuries because the dog got tangled up in it. “The dog also wanted to go to the horses, but he couldn’t.”

Police are looking for the dog’s owner

After the incident, the owner put his dog back on the leash and walked away. An initial police search for the animal and its “master” was negative. However, Kaiser was optimistic that the man could be investigated. “There is a video that shows the dog.” According to him, the animal was said to have been a fighting dog – probably a Staffordshire terrier or pit bull.


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