Circo de Pastelito is sentenced to pay millionaire compensation to the family after a minor accident | TV and Show

Although the ruling occurred a year ago, the company still does not pay the medical expenses of the minor, who suffered the accident in 2019.

A common outlet to go with minors is to travel to see the circus. That’s why Lorena Fuentes’ family wanted to go to the Pastelito y Tachuela Chico show with her family. However, an accident would end up spoiling the date, since almost three years after the fact, the establishment has not been responsible for medical expenses.

According to what was reported in Chilevision News, Lorena went with her husband and two children to the circus in April 2019, when they suffered the fall of a metal structure among the group. “My son starts to cry, I look at him and notice that his nose is starting to bleed and it begins to swell, “said the affected.

Given the accident and the absence of an infirmary in the tent, the circus administrators advised her to go with her injured son, Benjamin, to the nearest health center.

“There the circus administrator told us to take him to the clinic, and that later we approached the circus to talk about the expensesto return the amount”, said Lorena.

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However, despite the fact that the family followed the instructions, with the passing of days the circus refused to reimburse medical expenses.

“Don Rudy attended us and told us that he was not going to be responsible for any expenses unless we presented him with a paper signed by a judge”denounced.

That is why the family approached the courts to sue the Circo de Pastelito. The lawsuit ended up being accepted and ruled in favor of the familyordering the establishment to pay four million pesos For damages.

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However, a year after the ruling was declared, the circus has not yet paid the amount ordered by the courts.

In a conversation with the news, Milton “Rudy” Sanhueza, administrator of the circus, assured that the company is still waiting for the court order.

“I’m waiting for the court to tell us when to pay what to pay. We have insurance with national income and that covers all those things, ”he assured, pointing out that it is not the first time that the circus has experienced these situations, despite the fact that they have been overcome without conflict.

It’s happened to us a couple more times, a scrape on the shins, or slipping on the stairs. We have always complied, ”she mentioned. “(The parents) have taken them to the doctor and we have reimbursed everything they have spent,” she added.

According to the National Consumer Service (Sernac), who accompanied the family in the lawsuit, Failure to pay compensation can result in higher penalties for the circus.

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