Cifog questions the spread of avian influenza in the South West

As of January 6, 41 outbreaks of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) have been identified in farms in France, according to the daily statement operated by the Ministry of Agriculture. Out of the 32 outbreaks identified in the South-West (20 in the Landes, 7 in the Pyrénées-Atlantiques and 5 in the Gers), two of the five critical areas are still experiencing an evolving situation, according to the inter-profession of foie gras (Cifog) , ” despite all the prevention and control measures currently applied with the greatest rigor by producers “, She indicates in a press release. The inter-profession of palmipeds with foie gras calls for the implementation, ” as soon as possible epidemiological studies by the health services to understand the causes of this spread of the virus in this evolving area ».

This winter 2021-2022 inaugurates a new regulatory framework consisting in cloistering all poultry in the event of a high risk of HPAI, which has been the case since November 5, with exemptions under net and under conditions for free-range farms. .

To date, a 35% drop in affected farms

Detected for the first time this season in a breeding farm in the North on November 26, the IAHP burst into the South-West on December 16, within the critical zone with a high density of farms and palmipeds. The epidemic is still not contained, despite the arsenal deployed: sheltering ducks, lower densities in areas at risk of dissemination (ZRD), early detection of clinical signs, release analysis before transport , very rapid depopulation of the outbreaks by the authorities, decision of a preventive depopulation of ducks within a radius of 3 km around the outbreaks …

“The situation would be much more dramatic if the protective measures had not been taken”

« The situation would be much more dramatic if the protective measures had not been taken “, Declared Julien Denormandie on January 4 in a press conference, indicating that on that date, the spread of the virus was” out of control A year earlier, with a number of outbreaks 35% higher than that prevailing at the beginning of January 2022. As of January 4, between 600,000 and 650,000 animals have been slaughtered for HPAI, according to the ministry.

The Minister of Agriculture fully assumes the roadmap established with the profession at the beginning of last summer. ” We observe diffusions whatever the type of farms », He declared, refusing to oppose industrial and autarkic models. ” The virus does not come from farms but from migratory birds. But followingwards, it can spread more easily in dense areas either by air or by ad hoc transport. “, He conceded.

The question of vaccination

In addition to epidemiological studies, Cifog asks ” the establishment as soon as possible of the coordination unit planned for crisis governance under the authority of the regional prefect with a daily meeting bringing together all stakeholders to facilitate and accelerate the coordination of actions “. He also asks for the prioritization of compensation for farms already affected last year and not having received their balance of aid.

“This question of vaccination, we must put it on the table, with a lot of method, by working with the professionals”

Cifog finally calls for progress on duck vaccination, within a European framework, to understand the issue of its acceptance on export markets, a subject documented in a recent CGAAER report.

« This question of vaccination must be put on the table, very methodically, by working with professionals. », Declared Julien Denormandie.

The Minister of Agriculture also indicated that stopping the crushing of female ducklings was a ” subject he had in mind », But with a calendar not yet precise given the technical challenges posed by the ovosexage of gallinaceae. Regarding chicks, France has pledged to end crushing of male chicks by the end of this year.



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