‘Churrito’ Hinostroza brutally attacks the inspector for “interrupting” his party: “He stole his cell phone because he recorded it” – Trome.pe

Ah, gather ’round everyone! Buckle up because we’ve got a story that’s juicier than a citrus fruit at a Brazilian carnival!

So, let’s talk about Hernán ‘Churrito’ Hinostroza—he’s a former footballer, not that you’d need to know his past skills for this episode of “Street Brawls: The Musical.” Picture this: we’ve got a man just trying to do his job—our plucky inspector, who’s received complaints about a little too much enthusiasm at a private party—maybe it’s a celebration of the local football league or a typical Latin fiesta. You know the vibes: loud music, dancing, and people forgetting their domestic responsibilities!

Now, our inspector shows up heroically to request that they dial down the volume a notch; it’s a fair ask. But Churrito? Well, instead of turning down those tunes, he turns up the aggression! He boldly steps out of his house, and what happens next is a scene that would have made a brilliant slapstick comedy!

Imagine this: a little tussle that escalates faster than a YouTube prank gone wrong. Our man kicks the inspector—yep, a kick! Forget football; we’re talking kicks that would make a martial arts film look like playtime. And if that didn’t do the trick, he then grapples him down and starts landing blows like he’s auditioning for a role in ‘Rocky XVII: The Last Punch.’ I mean, someone give this guy a yellow card or something!

But the saga doesn’t end there! Oh no, folks; it gets better. Picture this: in the chaos, Churrito decides to add a little insult to injury by snatching away the inspector’s cell phone, all while simultaneously attempting to deliver a lecture on why “party etiquette” is crucial! The wife of our beleaguered inspector chimes in, recounting the moment like a drama queen in a telenovela— “He just wanted the music turned down, and instead, BAM, he’s on the floor!”

Now, for a twist! This isn’t Churrito’s debut on the ‘Attacks on Public Servants’ playlist! Oh no, in 2016, he was involved in a similar scuffle—high volume, high tension, and apparently, zero ability to manage his temper. It’s like déjà vu but with more kicks and punches, and somehow, fewer referees to break it up!

And look, we’re led to believe that maybe, just maybe, Hernán ‘Churrito’ Hinostroza should consider a career change. I mean, there’s always room for more drama in wrestling, right?

In summary, who knew it would take a simple door knock to turn into “Street Fighter: The Domestic Musical?” Perhaps next time he should just master the art of turning down the music instead of turning up the chaos. But let’s be clear, the only “kick” he should be delivering is a solid one in his next soundtrack—not to the musician or the inspector, please!

Stay tuned, everyone! We’ll be following this one closely—it’s bound to get even more interesting! In the meantime, keep the volume low and the kicks even lower, eh?

An inspector reported that Hernán ‘Churrito’ Hinostroza He brutally attacked him in the middle of the street after he knocked on the door of his house to ask them to lower the volume of the music, after several neighbors called to complain about the noise. The former soccer player left the house and had an angry reaction.

The video from the security cameras shows how the former player leaves the house and kicks the security agent, then knocks him to the floor to begin hitting him with his fist and kicking him.

According to the victim, ‘Churrito’ Hinostroza hit him and “stole” his cell phone, with which he was recording the intervention. The event occurred in Surco.

Sereno was attacked on the floor

“My husband comes over to tell him to please turn down the volume (…) He is going to attack him to take his phone away because when he does his job he has to have his evidence. “He stole her phone, she didn’t give it back,” indicated the watchman’s wife.

The inspector of the Municipality of Surco filed a complaint for the assault and the theft of his cell phone. Hernán Espinoza did not comment on the matter.

Churrito Hinostroza was denounced by the Surco night watchman


In 2016, Hernán ‘Churrito’ Hinostroza and his brother were reported for attacking a night watchman from Surco, in the same way, when he carried out an intervention in a home due to high volume of music.

“Once inside the property and while Morán Reynalte was at the door of the apartment where the music was being heard, two young men came out who, far from complying with the request of the South American collaborator, insulted him, threatened him and beat him until his nose was bleeding from the punches and knees”, said the Municipality of Surco at the time.



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