Church holiday April 7 – what not to do and what signs

Traditions of the Worship of the Cross

The veneration of the cross is an important element of Lent, because it becomes more difficult to follow the rules due to mental and physical exhaustion. Taking this into account, in order to encourage and support the spirit, the church calls on this day to especially honor the Cross of the Lord as an example of power and endurance in spiritual struggle.

However, on this day the cross is perceived not as a symbol of torment, but as a symbol of victory and joy, as well as the light of the Resurrection. It is for this reason that Sunday April 7 is called the Worship of the Cross.

Today, early and evening services are held in churches, Liturgy according to the rite of St. Basil the Great, the Gospel is read at the altar, and following the great doxology, veneration of the cross is performed.

In addition, at the Liturgy they sing “To Thy Cross…” instead of “Holy God.” The holy cross decorated with flowers is brought to the throne on the eve of the holiday following Vespers. However, before venerating the holy cross, you must pray, admitting your sins and guilt.

“We worship Your Cross, Lord,

and we glorify Your holy Resurrection.”

Also, for this day they might bake Lenten pies – following all, they observed fasting – in the form of a cross.

Who is Reverend George

St. George, one of the founders of icon veneration, was born in the 7th century in Syria and from childhood devoted his life to serving the Lord.

They began to call George a confessor during the reign of Leo the Isaurian, when, having been persecuted by the iconoclasts, the monk did not renounce his beliefs and helped others come to faith.

However, later Constantine the Porphyrogenitus came to power – and George became Metropolitan of Mytilene. Throughout his ministry, St. George was distinguished by his mercy, founded numerous churches and helped everyone, even in spite of danger.

Why is Peter Sagaidachny revered?

Petro Konashevich-Sagaidachny, during whose time the Ukrainian Cossack army was reformed, was not only an outstanding hetman with an innovative approach to military affairs, but also an ardent defender of Orthodoxy.

Studying at the Ostrog school shaped the political views and convictions of Sagaidachny, who, together with the entire Zaporozhian army, joined the Kiev (Epiphany) Brotherhood and contributed to the restoration of the Orthodox hierarchy in Ukraine, initiating the appointment of Job Boretsky as Metropolitan of Kyiv.

During his life, the hetman took part in the development of national education and defended Orthodoxy, helping churches and schools, and before his death bequeathing his property to charitable, educational and religious purposes.

Folk signs for April 7

  • If the heavy rain continues today, the viburnum harvest will be poor.
  • However, if it rains on April 7, the raspberries will be abundant.
  • On the Week of the Cross there are many stars in the sky – there will be many mushrooms and berries in the forests.
  • On April 7, frost until dawn – there will be a good buckwheat harvest.

What not to do today

As on all church holidays, on April 7 it is prohibited:

  • swear and quarrel with someone;
  • to gossip;
  • take out the trash in the evening;
  • have fun and drink alcohol.



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