Chronotype and Type 2 Diabetes Risk: What You Need to Know

2023-12-19 05:00:43

The ideal time to go to bed and wake up varies from person to person, but since most students and members of society have no choice but to wake up early, many people find it difficult to get out of bed every morning. A new study of 60,000 female nurses who often work overtime found a significant relationship between chronotype, which determines bedtime and wake-up times, and the risk of type 2 diabetes.

Whether your bedtime is early or slow is partly determined by your genes, so it is not easy to change it through your own efforts. So far, research suggests that an estimated 8% of the population has a nocturnal chronotype, but that chronotype may be related to metabolic regulation, blood sugar levels, and incidence of type 2 diabetes. However, this mechanism was not well understood.

To evaluate the relationship between chronotype and lifestyle disease risk and the extent to which it can be improved with effort, the Harvard University Brigham and Women’s Hospital research team conducted a study to analyze self-reported chronotype and lifestyle disease trends. performed. Data from a health survey targeting female nurses (Nurses Health Study II) was used for the analysis. The data collection period was from 2009 to 2017, and the participants were 63,676 female nurses aged 45 to 62 with no history of cancer, cardiovascular disease, or diabetes. The chronotype breakdown of the participants was 11% clearly nocturnal, 35% clearly morning types, and the remaining half were intermediate types, meaning they had no or only a slight tendency to be morning types or travellers.

The results of the study revealed that evening chronotypes were 54% more likely to engage in unhealthy lifestyle habits than morning chronotypes and had a 72% higher risk of diabetes. For example, it is said that evening types are more likely to drink more, have poor meal quality, have shorter sleep times, have a smoking habit, and often have unhealthy levels of weight, BMI, and exercise than non-dinner types.

Meanwhile, it was confirmed that when lifestyle factors are taken into account, the relationship between chronotype and diabetes risk decreases significantly. Specifically, when adjusted for BMI, physical activity, and dietary quality, the increase in diabetes risk was 31, 54, and 59%, respectively, and when all lifestyle habits and other factors were considered, the increase in diabetes risk was reduced to 19%.

Regarding this result, the research team said that people who stay up all night have an increased risk of developing diabetes, but when considering unhealthy lifestyle habits such as smoking or eating disorder, most of this risk is reduced. Some of the risk is intrinsically related to chronotype, or internal clock. They say it appears to be there. Interestingly, this risk of diabetes was not observed in travelers who worked at night, suggesting that it is beneficial to adapt one’s work style to the natural body clock rhythm.

The research team emphasizes that since this study only shows the relationship between chronotype and diabetes risk, it is important to be careful that it cannot be concluded that there is a causal relationship in which a person becomes diabetic because they are an evening type. The research team said that because the evening chronotype may increase the risk of type 2 diabetes, people who consider themselves travelers may need to be more careful regarding their lifestyle. Related information: this placeYou can check it here.

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