Chromium, a miracle nutrient to curb sugar cravings?

No matter how much we eat during the day, there is always that moment when our stomach gurgles. Thereby, a sudden craving for sweets comes to mind. But we obviously do not think of apples or other fruits. No. We rather want to eat foods that are not really balanced but rather comforting like Kinder or tons of candy. And of course, once you’ve started a box of chocolates or a package of sweets, it’s impossible to stop. We then spend the afternoon snacking. The problem is that this craving can have harmful consequences on our health and on our body since it raises our blood sugar.

However, we know that sugar is to be consumed in moderation. Fortunately, there is an alternative to calm those sugar cravings. This natural trick would only depend ona single mineral called chromium. The latter would play, in fact, an essential role in the regulation of blood sugar. We tell you more about this miracle product.

It is sometimes difficult to calm your urges, especially when the need to eat sugar is pressing. However, there would be an element that could curb our desires: chrome.

His power ? “He can improve insulin sensitivity, which can help reduce sugar cravings. Studies have shown that insufficient levels of chromium in the body can increase sugar cravings and the risk of metabolic disorders such as type 2 diabetes. However, it is important Note that there is not enough research to prove that taking chromium supplementation can reduce sugar cravings in healthy people. It is therefore important to consult a doctor or dietitian before taking chromium supplements” Explain the sites Grace.

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Chromium would therefore be a good ally to fight against sugar cravings. A good thing, when you know that this ingredient is more and more present in the products that you buy daily. It is also essential to read the composition on the labels carefully.

Recently, we explained to you, why should you be wary of products without added sugar?

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