Christos Dimas to ET: New body for the strengthening of the Greek book – 2024-02-16 06:32:29

“Within this month, the relevant draft law is expected to be posted for public consultation, which will then be introduced for debate in Parliament,” he confirms to “ET”. on Sunday the Deputy Minister of Culture, Christ Dimasand introduces us to the modern “tools” of the Hellenic Book and Culture Foundation (ELIVIP).

“ELIVIP has a studied structure that covers the whole spectrum to strengthen the book ecosystem. The institutional strengthening of the body and its regular funding are catalytic factors for its foundation and by extension for the protection of the Greek ecosystem of the book”, notes Mr. Dimas and points out that the new body for the book is going to carve out a national strategy for the book, “putting it in focus”.

Increasing the extroversion of the space with a dynamic presence at international book fairs and more effective promotion of Greek letters are the two main axes that will develop the strengthening of the love of reading and the support of professionals in the space.

Board of directors

The Hellenic Book and Culture Foundation (ELIVIP) will have an 11-member Board of Directors. Specifically, it will consist of a president and a vice-president, three members from the Ministry of Culture, one from the Ministry of National Education, Religion and Sports, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the National Library, as well as representatives of the industry, publishers, booksellers, authors and translators. Some of the organization’s responsibilities are the promotion of Greek letters in Greece and abroad and the promotion of the book as an educational, cultural and entertainment medium, the cultivation of reading habits in all population groups, with an emphasis on children and adolescents, the development skills of the professionals of the Greek book sector, the care for the cultivation of the Greek language in the Hellenism of the Diaspora, as well as the strengthening of cultural, educational and scientific cooperation with other countries.

As Mr. Dimas describes to us, it is worth emphasizing “the operation and development of the database of the Greek book producer “BiblioNet”, as well as more broadly the operation and coordination of systems, data, statistics, digital and audio-visual archives and catalogs related to the book and industry professionals. At the same time, through ELIVIP, the grant program for translations into foreign languages ​​”GreekLit”, which concerns works that have already been published in the Greek language, is being further developed. While, through the strengthening of participation in international book fairs, ELIVIP aims to promote the Greek book by any physical or digital means to the general public and to contribute to the promotion of Greek letters”.

Chronic requests

According to Mr. Dimas, ELIVIP will resolve years of requests from creators, translators, writers, publishers and booksellers. “With the establishment of ELIVIP, we are taking an important step towards the upgrade of the book ecosystem, but also to support the people in the field, as their requests and needs will now be represented by an official body. Through ELIVIP, that is, the professionals in the field acquire their own voice, as they will have the possibility of drawing up policies and implementing actions”.

Of particular interest are the financial tools in ELIVIP. “The new organization will have guaranteed regular funding from the State, but also considerable flexibility, so that it can also draw resources from the private sector”, notes the Deputy Minister of Culture and points out “the financial tools of the organization will be particularly strengthened, as ELIVIP will be able to draw resources from the Public Investment Program, from European and international programs, sponsorships and donations or from the utilization of movable and immovable assets”.

It is being upgraded the love of reading in the country

“Among the purposes of ELIVIP is the planning and implementation of reading programs and campaigns, in collaboration with co-competent agencies, including related programs. Particular emphasis will be placed on Primary and Secondary Education in collaboration with the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs”, explains Mr. Dimas and points out that ELIVIP is going to undertake actions and promote cooperation with other organizations active in areas related to the book and Greek letters, including libraries, publishing houses, booksellers, authors, translators, editors, illustrators and chairs of modern Greek studies in Greece and abroad.

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