Christopheros (Papoulakos) was canonized by Arbounas Kalavryton

Christopheros (Papoulakos) was canonized by Arbounas Kalavryton

Father Christophoros (Papoulakos) was canonized with an official proclamation of his canonization by the Patriarchate of Constantinople.

It should be noted that in May 2023, the Synodal Committee on Legal and Doctrinal Issues, in its meeting, gave a positive recommendation for the canonization of Papoulakos by Arbounas Kalavrytons, according to Christoforos Panagiotopoulos.

The suggestion went into the hands of the Permanent Holy Synod and inscribed Saint Papoulakos in the Hagiological Deltas of the Church and a little while ago it was approved by the Patriarchate.

Christoforos (Papoulakos)

Christoforos Panagiotopoulos, known as Papoulakos (Arbounas Achaias, 1770 – Andros, January 18, 1861) was a Greek Orthodox monk and preacher.

At the age of 80 he made the decision to preach. His fame spread quickly, as he had his own way of captivating his audience. He mainly preached against adultery and theft, and in favor of prayer. Through his sermons he criticized the policy of the Bavarian government and the condescension to it of the Synod of the Church. He was brought before the Bishop of Kalavryta, who reprimanded him and asked him to limit his sermons.

Six months later, Papoulakos began a tour of the southern Peloponnese, gathering thousands of people along his route. After pressure, Othon signed a decree confining Papoulaks to a monastery. Papoulakos fled to Mani to save himself.

On June 21, 1852, he was arrested by the army, after treason, and transferred to the prisons of Rio where he spent two years in solitary confinement. He was going to be tried by the criminal court of Athens as a rebel, but the events of the Crimean War forced Otho to grant him amnesty. In 1854 he was exiled to the Monastery of Panahrantou in Andros, where he died on January 18, 1861 and was buried. During his stay in the monastery, he received many visitors.
His thinking was greatly influenced by his spiritual teacher Kosmas Flamiatos, whose activity was parallel and whose teaching was similar.


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