Christmas holidays at the Cité de l’espace

2023-12-03 20:06:20

HOW DOES ESA RECRUIT ASTRONAUTS?: a participatory workshop to understand the essential skills to become European astronauts

The Space City offers a new fun and participatory workshop “How does ESA recruit astronauts?” to make visitors understand on which profiles European astronauts are selected. Because to hope to participate in future space missions towards the International Space Station (ISS), the Moon or even Mars, many skills are essential: memory, logic, physical fitness, spatial orientation, collaboration, team spirit, mastery of self, communication skills…

Lasting 40 minutes, this animation invites the general public to play the game of astronaut selections by experimenting, alone or in a team, with some tests and scenarios inspired by the real selection process. This animation was developed thanks to the assistance of astronauts and engineers from ESA and CNES and is included in the entry ticket. Animation included in the entrance ticket which takes place during holidays and weekends. Pour discover the workshop in video: ici

“MOON, EPISODE 2” : an immersive exhibition to understand current lunar exploration and the next scientific challenges to be taken up to achieve the return of astronauts to the Moon within a few years

With the exhibition “MOON, Episode 2”young and old discover the scientific challenges that space agencies are currently working on: the return of astronauts to the Moon with the aim of staying there and carry out ambitious scientific explorations. The objective is to train to live outside our planet before going further, later: to Mars. In this exhibition, visitors are immersed immersed in a 100% lunar village to understand all the challenges that scientists have to meet to (sur)live on this star. Can we find resources there despite its apparent desolation? How to manage these precious resources (solar energy, dust, water)? Are there effective ways to protect yourself from this hostile environment? How should you equip yourself? How can we manage to work, find accommodation, sleep, eat, communicate, live on the Moon? What are the current projects and missions to return to and on the Moon? Exhibition included in the entrance ticket. More information : ici

MARTIAN TERRAIN “THE ROVERS ARE COMING ON THE SCENE!” : an immersive animation to discover Mars and Martian robots

At the heart of a Martian crater that can accommodate up to 250 visitors simultaneously, Martian exploration is staged by scientific facilitators from the Space City through a daily 25-minute animation as close as possible to the reality of current space exploration. In the form of a 900 m2 Martian crater, where the soil and rocks so particular to the red planet are faithfully reproduced, the Martian terrain, new place for scientific mediation, focuses on the most explored planet in the solar system: MARS and the robots that explore it.

Martian Terrain “The Rovers enter the scene! “ was designed for all audiences. At the heart of the central zone of the Martian crater, full-size, fully automated replicas of the Perseverance rovers (NASA- United States) and Zhurong (CNSA- China) – both currently exploring the planet Mars – are activated by the scientific leaders of the Space City to authentically show how these mobile robots move around the red planet and the missions entrusted to them. Animation included in the entrance ticket.

This equipment was designed and developed in collaboration with scientific experts from the French space agency (CNES) and the IRAP Astrophysics and Planetology Research Institute, in order to best reproduce a Martian landscape that is as realistic as possible (colors, textures, reliefs, etc.). More information : ici

#Christmas #holidays #Cité #lespace



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