Christmas 2024 is decreed early in Venezuela

Christmas 2024 in Venezuela! The President Nicolas Maduroannounced on his weekly program, Con Maduro+, that Christmas 2024 will begin on October 1 of this year.

“The advancement of Christmas to October 1st” in Venezuela, and assured that nothing and no one will prevent peace in the country.

From January to August, there was economic growth. An autonomous and self-sustaining economy. Not even the criminal electrical attack stopped the economy. People continued working. The recovery in record time from one of the deadliest attacks in history against the electrical system. The investigation is very advanced, maximum punishment against the criminals and those responsible. There is direct evidence of this attack, which was very different from the ones in March, April and May 2019. Minutes before the criminal attack, journalists on the payroll of fascist protesters were already announcing that Venezuela would be without electricity. But they were unable to do so; the people gave a beautiful demonstration to their government. And then on Friday night we’ll party. I’m going to decree the beginning of Christmas for this first of October.said the president.

President Maduro decreed Christmas 2024 in Venezuela

Likewise, Maduro took the opportunity to announce in his program that the third National Popular Consultation of 2024 will be held at the end of the year, in order to continue strengthening the more than 4,500 communal circuits in the country, for the benefit of the people.

Maybe at the end of November, beginning of December, we will go to the third National Consultation”, Nicolás Maduro stressed, while commenting that 40% of the projects approved on April 21 have been completed.

The head of state also explained that he expects that in two years at the most there will be more than five thousand communes in Venezuela.

#Christmas #decreed #early #Venezuela
2024-09-03 19:10:13



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