Christine Kirchner Calls for President to Prioritize Effective Governance Over Economic Metrics

2024-09-13 21:41:00

Christine Kirchner toasts this Friday Speech following a virtual conference with President Javier Milei. The appointment took place this afternoon at Occidental National University, where she was awarded an honorary doctorate.

The former president harshly criticized the current administration’s economic management and called for changes in the way the country is run. “President, get rid of Friedman. Leave Austrian school, write the Argentinian manual, then sit down to run the country.he said.

return Recognizing some of the administration’s achievements, such as Valdez’s departure: “One thing I realized was that I managed to impress Mr. Valdez, who was clearly not a good friend of the craftsmen.”

However, Warning warns about risks of resorting to debt solutions, Rumors of a new tranche of loans were mentioned.

The former president criticized efforts that, she said, target liberals by seeking simplistic solutions at the expense of society’s well-being. “This, like this, Not paying debts, flooding provinces, not doing public works… like that, anyone,” Express.

He also stressed that his government had not only restructured debt and made payments to the International Monetary Fund, but was also facing the legacy of the 2001 Corralito. “Corralito’s fees were paid for by the Peronist Giles, We,” he concluded, justified the decisions taken by his government and Néstor Kirchner on debt restructuring.

Cristina again criticizes dual currency economy

The former president emphasized that Argentina’s economic crisis is not only caused by the fiscal deficit, but also related to the country’s dual currency structure and dollar shortage, and that foreign debt has exacerbated the crisis. “We warned back in February that this was not the problem; the problem was The problem is dual currency economy, There is a shortage of dollars, and it will all get worse when Argentina is also in debt, as it has been since the return of the Macri government and the IMF,” he said.

He also clarified Although we do not support fiscal deficit, This is not the only factor to consider in economics.

“This does not mean that people use fiscal deficits as a banner or think it is the best thing that can happen to a country. “No, it is not the best,” she said, stressing that many countries face deficits due to a lack of financing. , she believes that this situation is the real problem facing Argentina.

In his speech, he harshly questioned Milley’s economic measures. “Stepping on the heads of poor people doesn’t solve the problem.” More for the rich.

“We need to feel cooperation and unity again. “We have serious problems, such as the withdrawal of the state from communities,” he noted.

Topics the former president will speak on

Theme is the same as the document “It’s still a two-currency economy, stupid,” In it, he critically analyzes the economic model of La Libertad Avanza (LLA). The release of the document last week led to an exchange between Christina and Millay on social networks.

In the publication, the former president also questioned Peronism’s key role as the main opposition party. If this topic were discussed during Melo’s thesis, one would expect the reaction of frontline guests, who are usually Party leader and mayor of Buenos Aires.

#Video #Christine #Kirchner #President #leave #Austrian #school #sit #run #country

– What were the key themes addressed in Cristina Kirchner’s speech regarding Argentina’s⁢ economic management?

Here is a comprehensive and SEO-optimized article on ⁣the topic of‍ Cristina Kirchner’s ‍speech:

Cristina Kirchner‌ Slams Current Administration’s ‌Economic Management, Calls for Change

Former President Cristina Kirchner delivered⁤ a scathing critique of the current administration’s economic management on Friday,⁣ calling for a return ‌to a⁤ more sustainable and​ equitable approach. ⁣Speaking at Occidental National⁣ University, where she was awarded an honorary ‌doctorate, Kirchner warned of the risks of relying on debt solutions and criticized ⁤the administration’s simplistic approach to economics.

Harsh Criticism of Friedman and the Austrian School

Kirchner did not mince words in ‌her criticism⁤ of the current administration’s ‌economic policies, which she believes⁤ are rooted in the Austrian School of economics. ‍”President, get rid of⁤ Friedman. Leave Austrian school, write the Argentinian manual, then sit ​down⁤ to ‌run the country,” she said. This criticism comes as‍ no surprise, given Kirchner’s well-documented disagreements with the neoliberal economic policies of the International⁢ Monetary Fund (IMF).

Praise for Valdez’s Departure, ‌but Warning on Debt Solutions

Kirchner did acknowledge some of ⁣the administration’s achievements, including the departure of Minister Valdez, whom she described as “not a good friend of ​the craftsmen.” However, she also warned of the risks of‌ relying⁣ on‌ debt solutions, which she believes ⁢will only exacerbate the country’s economic⁢ crisis.

Criticism of Dual Currency Economy and Dollar Shortage

Kirchner has long been critical of Argentina’s‌ dual currency economy and the shortage of‍ dollars, which she‌ believes has ​contributed‌ to the country’s economic crisis. ‍”We warned back ​in February that this was not the problem; the problem was the dual currency​ economy,” she said. “There ‍is a shortage⁢ of dollars, and it will all get worse when Argentina is also in ⁤debt, as it has been since the return of⁢ the Macri​ government and the IMF.”

No Support for Fiscal Deficit

While Kirchner acknowledged that fiscal deficits can be a⁣ problem, she emphasized ​that⁤ this is not the only factor​ to consider in⁢ economics. “This does not mean that people use fiscal deficits as a banner or think it is the best thing that can happen to a country,” she said.

Call for Cooperation and Unity

In her speech, Kirchner stressed the need for cooperation and unity in addressing the country’s economic problems. “We need to feel cooperation and unity again. We have serious ⁣problems, such as ​the withdrawal ​of the state ‌from communities,” she‍ noted.

Response to Javier Milei

Kirchner’s speech ⁤was also seen as a ⁣response to‍ President Javier Milei, who has been criticized for his economic policies. Milei has been accused of prioritizing the interests ​of the wealthy at the ‌expense of the poor, and Kirchner’s speech​ was seen ‌as‌ a rebuttal to these policies.

Themes of Kirchner’s Speech

Kirchner’s speech touched on several themes, including the need for ‍a more sustainable and equitable ‌approach to economics, the risks of relying on debt solutions, and the importance of cooperation and unity in addressing the country’s economic⁢ problems. Her speech was also notable⁣ for‍ its criticism of the dual currency economy and the shortage of dollars, which⁣ she believes has ⁢contributed⁣ to the ⁣country’s economic crisis.


Cristina ‍Kirchner’s ⁢speech was a scathing critique of the ⁤current ​administration’s economic management, and a call for⁣ a more sustainable and equitable approach to economics. Her warnings on the risks of relying on debt solutions and her criticism of the dual currency economy will⁢ likely⁤ resonate with many Argentinians who are struggling to⁤ make ends meet.

Keywords: ⁣Cristina Kirchner, Javier Milei, economic management, Argentina,‍ IMF, debt solutions, dual currency economy, dollar shortage, fiscal deficit, cooperation, unity.

Meta Description: Former President Cristina Kirchner slams current administration’s economic management, ⁢calling for a more sustainable and equitable approach. Read her full speech here.

Header‍ Tags:

H1: Cristina Kirchner Slams Current Administration’s Economic‍ Management, Calls for Change

H2: Harsh Criticism of Friedman and the Austrian School

H2: Praise‍ for Valdez’s Departure, but Warning on‌ Debt Solutions

H2: Criticism of Dual Currency Economy and Dollar Shortage

H2: No Support for‍ Fiscal Deficit

H2: Call for Cooperation‍ and Unity

H2: Response to‌ Javier Milei

H2: Themes⁢ of Kirchner’s Speech

What criticisms did Cristina Kirchner raise regarding the current administration’s economic policies in her recent speech?

Christina Kirchner Slams Current Administration’s Economic Management: “Get Rid of Friedman, Write the Argentine Manual”

In a virtual conference at Occidental National University, where she was awarded an honorary doctorate, former President Cristina Kirchner launched a scathing critique of the current administration’s economic management. She emphasized the need for a new approach, warning that the country’s dual currency economy and debt reliance have exacerbated the economic crisis.

Kirchner’s speech was a vehement rejection of the current government’s policies, which she believes are simplistic and detrimental to society’s well-being. She criticized the administration’s reliance on debt solutions, stating that this approach would only lead to further problems. “Not paying debts, flooding provinces, not doing public works… like that, anyone,” she said, dismissing the government’s strategy.

The former president also reminded the audience of her government’s achievements, including the restructuring of debt and payments to the International Monetary Fund. She justified her government’s decisions, citing the legacy of the 2001 Corralito, which was paid for by the Peronist regime.

Cristina Kirchner Criticizes Dual Currency Economy

Kirchner emphasized that Argentina’s economic crisis is not solely caused by the fiscal deficit, but also by the country’s dual currency structure and dollar shortage. She warned that foreign debt has exacerbated the crisis, stating, “We warned back in February that this was not the problem; the problem was the dual currency economy, and there is a shortage of dollars, and it will all get worse when Argentina is also in debt, as it has been since the return of the Macri government and the IMF.”

Kirchner clarified that while she does not support fiscal deficits, they are not the only factor to consider in economics. She believes that many countries face deficits due to a lack of financing, and this situation is the real problem facing Argentina.

Harsh Criticism of Milley’s Economic Measures

In her speech, Kirchner harshly questioned Milley’s economic measures, stating, “Stepping on the heads of poor people doesn’t solve the problem.” She emphasized the need for cooperation and unity, highlighting the importance of addressing the withdrawal of the state from communities. “We have serious problems, such as the withdrawal of the state from communities,” she noted.

**Topics the Former President Will Speak



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