Christiane Döcker: From Opera to Concerts – Master Class on Singing at St. Benedikt Education Center

2023-11-11 09:00:00

Ms. Döcker, you actually wanted to become a teacher, what motivated you to study singing?

Christiane Döcker: To be honest, it kind of happened that way (laughs). I studied music education and my singing professor at the time supported me a lot. After a year, I also dedicated myself to singing pedagogy and at the age of 23 I wanted to know, so to speak, took the entrance exam for singing and passed it straight away. From then on there was no turning back.

You have a bachelor’s degree in singing pedagogy with honors, but also completed your teaching degree in Italian/music education and in 2017 you completed your master’s degree in “Song and Oratorio”; why three studies?

Dolls: As my voice developed better, one thing led to another. Being very ambitious, it was a must for me to complete all studies. Looking back, I wonder how it was all possible, but today I am very happy to have completed all my studies.

What does singing mean to you?

Dolls: Singing is freedom for me. On stage I just live in the moment, am completely with myself and surrender to the music and the energy of the evening; If I can do that in a performance, I’m satisfied.

How do you get a contract at the Klagenfurt City Theater while you’re still studying?

Dolls: It happened through an agency audition at the university that I wasn’t supposed to take part in at first. Luckily, my singing professor at the time suggested me and I was able to convince both the agent from Munich and at the audition she organized in Klagenfurt.

Please tell me briefly about the audition at the Leipzig Opera!

Dolls: I can still remember it very clearly. I was accompanied by a great pianist, which isn’t always the case. It took place on the rehearsal stage and I sang to Olga (Eugene Onegin) and Charlotte (Werther). Afterwards I visited the beautiful city center and while I was there I got a call from my agent saying that they wanted me.

What were you able to take with you from Klagenfurt or Leipzig?

Dolls: In the ensemble business in Leipzig I learned to work quickly and efficiently. For example, if you debut as a Valkyrie after only two rehearsals, you won’t be able to experiment much. I was able to gain an incredible amount of stage experience in Klagenfurt, as we always had 10 to 15 performances per production there. Every performance is different and it was important at the beginning to learn how to properly organize the day, the food and my energy in order to be focused and awake in the evening.

You recently made your debut in Israel and next year you will be heard there in two signature roles: Cherubino (Marriage of Figaro) and Prince Orlovsky (Bat). How was this experience for you?

Dolls: Singing in Israel was a great enrichment for me. I experienced my first Shabbat celebration with family, lived in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem and learned to appreciate the people and their culture there. I am very concerned about the current news and the two productions have been postponed until mid/late 2024. I hope I can see my friends and colleagues there again soon.

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You also enjoy performing as a concert singer; why is this so important to you?

Dolls: Long before I was on the opera stage, I sang many concerts and masses. The concert is more intimate and personal because you don’t embody a role in the sense and you have to convey the content without a stage, make-up or costume.

From November 16th to 18th you will be holding a master class for beginners and advanced students at the St. Benedikt Education Center under the motto “Voice to go”; What excites you about teaching?

Dolls: I have always had a passion for teaching; Teaching singing is a special challenge. It’s not just about training a voice and teaching technique. It’s also about personal development, seeing people as a whole and finding a way for each individual to develop their voice.

Do you sometimes still have a little time for hobbies? Where and how do you find balance?

Dolls: Balance is very important in this job, as it demands a lot of energy and you are often away from home. I like to relax by cooking, taking long walks and spending time with friends and family.

Christiane Döcker at the Klagenfurt City Theater as Flosshilde in Wagner’s “Twilight of the Gods” in one of the 10 performances in October 2023.

Arnold Poeschl, ARNOLD POESCHL

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Christiane Döcker – as the Rhine daughter “Second Norn” in Götterdämmerung Christiane Döcker as “Marie” in Paradiese at the Leipzig Opera


Photo: Arnold Poeschl, ARNOLD POESCHL Photo: Kirsten Nijhof, KIRSTEN NIJHOF Anzeige

Singer career

Singing as a native language. After studying singing, Christiane Döcker, who was born in Seitenstett, made the leap from the Klagenfurt City Theater to the Leipzig Opera and is currently working as a freelancer at various opera houses and also as a concert singer. From November 16th to 18th she will hold a master class at the St. Benedikt Education Center.

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