Christian Thorsen: From Prostate Cancer to TV Anecdotes, Revealing a Life Lived to the Fullest

2023-09-03 14:24:01

From the seventh floor of a building in Miraflores, Christian Thorsen watches the sunrise as a valuable opportunity that life offers to his 59-year-old. A few months ago he revealed that he had prostate cancer, but he has decided to turn the page and continue his treatment through mistletoe. Christian receives Trome in the apartment of a good friend, where he lives for now, and reviews his professional career, telling curious anecdotes such as the time he repeatedly kissed the famous Mexican singer Alejandra Guzmán, when he worked as a model in the Gisela Valcárcel’s program in the 90s. In addition, he revealed behind the scenes of his abrupt departure from the successful television series “Al fondo hay sitio” and confesses that he did not sell sandwiches on the television channel where they ended up hiring him.

Didn’t Sell Sandwiches

How are you Christian?

The truth is that I am very well in a very beautiful healing process. The treatment is making me feel very good and obviously that makes me very happy, very enthusiastic and makes you positive. Although I always was, but it’s nice to know that there is a treatment that can work, at least for me.

Christian, is it true that you came to television because you sold sandwiches?

Ha ha ha. It is a very funny anecdote. I get to work purely by chance with Gisela. I remember that it was a Friday when I went to channel 4. Some friends of mine had started a catering company and they wanted me to promote them in some way, so they asked me for help because I had just returned from abroad following ten years. That’s how I had a friend who knew someone on the channel, so I went to offer them breakfast for an exchange and in exchange they were going to mention my friends’ business on television.

So, is it a lie that you sold sandwiches in the canal and on the beach?

I never denied that story, I found it funny. People thought he was selling sandwiches. Then they thought he was selling sandwiches at the gate to the canal and that’s how they saw him and called him. That is how that story remained. I have never changed it, I have never said anything, but whenever they ask me I tell the truth and that is the anecdote. I have not sold on the beach either.

Was it Gisela’s producer at the time Christian Andrade who saw you and called you?

That’s how it is. She told me up front if she wanted to work on Gisela’s show in America. I told her that she was on the channel for another matter and I thought it was a hidden camera.

Christian Thorsen receives Trome. Photo and Videos: Javier Cabello

What do you think they saw in you for you to be chosen?

He had long, blonde, tall hair and I guess that was the thing.

How was the relationship with Gisela?

Super good. We joked a lot because they finally hired me for that. Sometimes there were jokes from me that he didn’t like and he would haunt me. She hit me on the head with the microphone. Yes it stung.

Any anecdote with Gisela?

Once it was Alejandra Guzmán and I remember that she came over to give me a kiss and Gisela asked for a longer kiss. Later I told Gisela now it’s your turn and she told me what’s wrong while Alejandra insisted that she do it hahaha. We wavered well.

He kissed Alejandra Guzmán

Were you only nine months on the show?

Yes. Then I went to ATV to the program ‘Sinverguenzas’ with Marisa Picasso. She left following two weeks and Tatiana Astengo entered. Later I went on the program ‘A mi manera’ on channel 2 and then to do the soap opera ‘Nino’ ​​on channel 5. In a little while I went through several channels. Gisela’s program was a springboard.

How much did they pay you on Gisela’s show?

They paid me $300 a month. It was in the first three months. Then he went up.

Christian, did you study physical education in Argentina?

Yes, when I finished my degree I returned to the country. Percy Rojas’s brother-in-law (ex-soccer player) was my teacher and that’s how I entered Percy’s soccer school. They were my beginnings and I also thought that at some point I might do a sports program on television. That interested me.

If you had not gone to channel 4, what would have been of your life?

Gareca would not have existed hahaha. I would have been the coach of the Peruvian team.

In the 2018 World Cup in Russia, Peru faced Denmark. Who did you want to win?

I wanted Peru to win. I love the Danes when they play once morest another team just like the Argentines because I lived in Argentina for six years, but when Peru plays it’s another pod.

Christian, is it true that because of how bad you acted they made you mute in a novel?

Ha ha ha. Yes, because of how bad it was.

How was that?

It was my first experience, I had never acted, I had never done anything. I was walking back and forth and didn’t even realize I was already on TV. They called me for the novel ‘Those from Above and Those from Below’, which was very successful. They put me with the actor Aristóteles Picho, may he rest in peace, so he might train me a little. However, I later found out that he had told the producer of the novel, Michel Gómez, that he was no good.

And what happened?

They had to put me in as a mute character, so I didn’t speak, hahaha. I went like three weeks or a month without speaking until I learned something. Then they already made me talk hahaha. It sucked.

You stayed on TV because they kept calling you

I was there by pure chance, I had no intention of staying. I was still on television because they called me from another place, because if I hadn’t left, I would have left.

You told in previous interviews that you confronted the television presenter, Laura Bozzo

Yeah. I’ll tell you how it was. A boy had made a parody of her in a program on another channel, and this woman found out that he was recording her in the program “Chola Chabuca” by Ernesto Pimentel. That’s how she came yelling and yelling so much that she stopped recording the program until she found the boy who was behind me and told him to get out of my channel. With insults involved, of course.

What did you say?

I only told her ‘ma’am, this is not the way to treat anyone and that he had come with us and if he had to leave, we would all leave.’ And then I walked out expecting everyone to come following me, but no one else came hahaha. Only Nina Mutal came with me. That is how everything was put together and Ernesto Pimentel came asking me to calm down. Laura Bozzo was a little afraid because she was Montesinos’s lover and everyone was shit…

And that’s where it all ended?

No, Laura Bozzo took the boy to her dressing room and I went to look for him. Laura told me not to be disrespectful and I replied, you have disrespected the country with your crap show… The boy stayed with her and I left.

Then they didn’t let you enter channel 4?

The discussion occurred on Tuesday and on Friday I had to go to the channel, but they did not allow me to enter. They told me that ‘by order of Mr Crousillat you cannot enter the channel’. That is how I was left without ‘chamba’ for two years.

Did you lose your job because of Laura Bozzo?

That’s how it is. Not working in TV, but doing little things like plays to try to survive.

And the boy you defended him, who was he?

He knows who he is. He is still on television.

A track?

Two days later he appeared on the front page of the newspapers saying that nothing had happened and that it had all been a joke embraced by Laura Bozzo.

He had a fight with Laura Bozzo

Who can you consider your friend in the world of entertainment?

To the actor Gustavo Bueno.

What soccer team fan are you?

I was as a leader (vocal) in the Municipal club. He wanted to do a job in lower divisions, but he mightn’t. In general, the situation of national football is difficult.

Weren’t you in the Municipal club for a long time?

I presented a proposal, they liked it, they found it interesting, but there was not much possibility of doing it.

How was your experience on the soap opera ‘Al fondo hay sitio’?

Very funny. I was 7 years. My acting experience and having been there and shared with many people I love and respect was very nice. The end was unfortunate, but following that everything went very well. When it stopped amusing me, I think that’s where it didn’t cause me to be anymore.

His output is ‘Al Fondo Hay Sitio’

Did they fire you through a phone call?

Yes. Efraín Aguilar called me. He told me that he was outside.

Why did they take you out?

They wanted to save my land. And since we weren’t on the payroll, then they might do whatever they wanted. However, thanks to the lawsuit that I filed and that I won. Now everything is fine. Which makes me very happy.

Is it anecdotal that you didn’t continue despite the fact that your character was very loved?

I knew they were going to take me out and following eight months to go they were going to call me because the writers wanted me to end ‘Charito’, the character of Mónica Sánchez.

So your departure was an economic issue?

For me if. It would be a matter of asking them.

You are very frontal. You say what you think without any filter.

Whenever there has been something that did not seem right to me, I have said it, yes.

There have been situations that you did not like in ‘Al fondo al sitio’

I have always thought that humor is not to laugh at the other, but with the other. And sometimes they did things that were just to laugh at the character. I never liked that. So when they already exceeded that I said ‘for the car’.

Christian, have you dedicated yourself to reforestation?

Yes, in the Codo de Pozuzo (Puerto Inca-Huánuco). Some friends of whom my wife was proposed to us and I thought it was super interesting, so we did it. It didn’t turn out so well, but at least it was tried. Obviously we reforested and everything, but the business itself was not as good as originally thought.

How long have you been?

Trees take at least seven years to grow. So we were involved more or less for almost ten years.

Do you now import wines?

It is funny. Yes, a French friend who had another friend, who was a winemaker, convinced me and so I went into business with him. However, following a couple of years the pandemic came and he went to France to see another topic and disappeared. I was left alone with the business.

Where do you matter from?

I’m just getting a shipment from Spain and South Africa. Not a big deal but it does leak lol.

Do you want to return to television?

I do not close the doors, but it does seem to me that it will be very difficult for me to do something once more. Very difficult, now it might be if something appears out there that excites me, that seems cool to me.

Has your daily routine changed?

My routine is basically going to the medical center, not only for treatment, but to support a little there. We are trying to help as many people as possible because the medical center has somewhat collapsed.

The Mistletoe And His Routine

Are you helping more people?

I am very happy that there is a different possibility for people, an option for people and that makes us all very happy, perfect.

Christian, did you get evicted?

Yes. When you are evicted or evicted, it gives you a different life. You live for the minute, you live for the second. You live in the moment in a very difficult way. There is much more value to everything and there is a kind of constant joy and that at least is happening to me. Life has changed, but totally for the better and that suits me very well and with a very interesting life projection, if we can continue helping. And that what is happening to me can happen to more people, I find it super interesting. Good and positive for all.

Christian, when they told you that you had a short time to live, you didn’t take it in the worst way. Didn’t you feel like the world was coming down on you?

My reaction was weird. I don’t quite understand why I reacted so calmly. I felt that what they were telling me was not logical. I did not understand how 12 months, how 24 or 36 maximum. That pod simply did not enter my head, I never accepted it as something real, as something that was going to happen anyway. Then they gave me a little more life, they gave me 50 months.

Are your medical results going well?

Be careful, everything can still happen because that amount of time has not passed, but I feel so good and the results of the analyzes corroborate that. So I can tell you that I am on the right track. In any case, the issue of being positive is essential for everyone who goes through this. The head is the most important thing in every disease.

Christian Thorsen is optimistic and cheerful. Photo: Javier Cabello

Christian, is it essential to always be positive?

I heard something that seemed very true to me, we get sick and we also heal, so the head has a lot to do with it. I am taking an emotional gymnastics course where we somehow manage our feelings and it is ultimately the most important thing, because that is what can depress you and therefore lower your defenses. It can also make you optimistic and it is what raises your defenses. So I did it almost in an innate way, I don’t know why, as I told you, but it turned out to be good.

You didn’t want to resort to chemotherapy?

I didn’t want to since they told me I had to have chemotherapy and that’s how I found the treatment I’m following while looking for other options. Then I ran into a couple of doctors who told me that chemotherapy was useless. So it’s crazy that they prescribe chemotherapy when deep down they don’t. I believe that doctors are very pigeonholed in what they have learned and that is what they transmit. I don’t think they have bothered to investigate further. There are patients who go to the medical center where I go and tell their doctor that they are trying mistletoe and they answer that it is useless.

The patient wants to have some hope

All the patient is doing is looking for something that can help them heal or at least have a better quality of life. So I don’t think you can give such an answer when you don’t know exactly to what extent mistletoe may or may not help.

When you revealed that you had the disease, did people you didn’t see come back to look for you?

Yes, but especially people I haven’t seen for a long time, which is very nice. It fills your soul and I would say thank you for taking the time to write, for sending a message, for being there, for the good vibes. That also heals you to receive the good vibes of people. Of course healthy, there are people who don’t even know me and have also written to me.

How did your way of thinking regarding life change before and following disclosing your disease?

I have been a person who lives in the moment and has never learned a bit to project myself. However, now I live in the moment, but in a different way. Live the minute. You have a different vibe. This that you are living is already a gift, not like when they tell you that one stage of your life has ended and when another comes following that.

What are you looking for now?

I am trying to ensure that the mistletoe does not pay taxes so that treatment is cheaper for people, so achieving that would seem super interesting to me and we are working on it. Let’s see what comes out, hopefully, I understand that it can happen. All of this has me super excited and gives me an absolutely different vision of life.

How do you get to the mistletoe?

A friend said that a friend of hers had gone through this disease and that she recommended a treatment because behind the mistletoe there is a medicine called anthroposophical, which is something much deeper and much more interesting that supports all this.

What does the mistletoe do?

The doctor told me that what mistletoe does is stabilize your immune system. I mean, when he told me that I was the one who was going to fight cancer, I liked that. It wasn’t that a chemical (chemotherapy) was going to fight but yourself and strengthening your immune system. That is what the mistletoe does and also that it fights once morest cancer cells. So, it seemed like a fantastic option.

Were you estranged from your brother?

Yes, since 2015 more or less I had no communication. He contacted me, we started talking once more. He lives in the United States. He recently came to be with me, we stayed for regarding a week, we talked a lot and ironed out rough edges.

In previous interviews you talked regarding your parents and said that you lacked a lot of affection

There was little affection. I think it is a generational issue that they were not very affectionate. My father was Danish from Northern Europe. A tough guy in some things and my mother a woman who always fought for hers for her independence, very hardworking and perhaps very concerned regarding her children, but the issue of affections did not have them because precisely in the family there weren’t many of her either. So surely she didn’t know very well how to do it either and my father was a rather cold type. I believe that affections are basic in the formation of a child. It is very important for things to flow as they should be.

“What mistletoe does is stabilize your immune system,” says Christian Thorsen. Photo: Javier Cabello

Didn’t you feel father’s love?

Yes, well, I mean, it’s difficult for me now. I don’t want to criticize him because he is no longer here. Also, I do believe that he was a cold and hard person, and indeed he did not know how. I imagine that because of the same experiences that he also had in his childhood. I think they are things that are inherited and are permeating people. Today we have more information regarding things, so more freedom of thought and also then one becomes aware and perhaps would not repeat the things that his parents did. If it is true, then he was not a warm or affectionate person, much less.

So the lack of love affected you?

Yes, of course and in many things. I think self-esteem is essential. You have to get courage from other places, you have to get courage from other places. I consider myself a brave person, but because I have fought for it, but self-esteem has been down many times. The world takes care of hitting you so that it doesn’t get better, but maybe through brave actions, I think I finally had it. However, in other ways it has affected me and that is why suddenly I have not had any stable relationship and that is why I have suddenly not had children.

Christian, have you not known how to love?

Ha ha ha. A good question. My relationships as a couple have not been very long-lasting and I think that exactly what we talked regarding at the beginning is how important affection is in childhood. Perhaps that made me incapable of loving or of knowing how to do it, to commit myself.

He has not known how to love

How many couples have you had?

I don’t know if that many. As I told you, I don’t know exactly what happened, but it seems to me that, that is, if I have to be absolutely honest with myself. How to continue in a relationship, then, if you don’t know how to continue in a relationship, what don’t you know how to do? So I don’t know how to love, suddenly, I don’t know. Hopefully this (illness) that has happened to me will also help to change that.

Do you feel sorry for not knowing how to love?

Yes, of course, I would have liked to have a stable relationship and suddenly have a family, it’s wonderful. I always wanted to have a daughter and it never happened.

Do you currently have a commitment?

No. Right now I’m alone. I’m basically worried regarding mine. There is not much head for anything else.

Christian Thorsen turns the page on his illness. Photo: Javier Cabello

Christian What do you think of death?

Very good question. Every time I think it’s not necessarily the end. I think that since we are basically energy, I think that there is something left hanging around, I don’t know exactly what it is and I don’t know how it is. I do not fear of death.


I’m afraid of not having done enough, I think that’s what a song by Fito Páez says. To have done enough and that is why I am so happy with what is actually happening to me because it seems to me that the projection of life that I have left can be very interesting in that sense. So if I’m going to go quietly, maybe I’ll have done enough, which is the most important thing.

A few weeks ago it had also circulated through social networks that you had passed away.

Ha ha ha. Yeah, I don’t know who took the time to do that because he made me laugh. So that’s why I put up a photo laughing and said, well, here I am laughing at the people who think I’ve left, but it’s more like a smile that they give me.

How do you feel?

I tell you seriously, it has changed my life for the better, I feel very good, I feel very comfortable, I feel healthy, as well. So this feeling of having beaten death is very rich, it is a very beautiful feeling. And if you can help people suddenly achieve the same thing, it’s a rewarding feeling.

Have you ever thought regarding suicide?


What do you think of death?

How would you like to be remembered?

I really want everything I’m going through to be useful. That mistletoe can really help more people and that it is not considered something miraculous. But as something that can help fight cancer. To help you feel better, to give you a better quality of life, not as traditional doctors tell you that they give you time to live. What I am living is quality of life, that is, I feel alive, I feel good, I have no pain, I have nothing.

Are you a goner who is living a happy life?

Yes, but evicted by someone who doesn’t necessarily have the authority. I don’t think they have the moral authority to tell you that. They did evict me. I would rather say that I am a brave man with the desire to continue living and hopefully it will be prolonged. Not because it gives me more life, but because if it really gives me more life I’ll be happy. Everything I’m living is a gift, but if it gives me more life it’s because what I’m doing worked and I think that’s what’s important.

Let Me Live-Syrup Stick


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