Christian Stückl should direct Oberammergauer Passion again in 2030 – Bayerischer Rundfunk

The citizens’ meeting in Oberammergau in the Garmisch-Partenkirchen district was actually supposed to be a showdown. Applicants were supposed to present their ideas, after which the local council wanted to decide on the direction of the 2030 Passion Play. For the first time in the almost 400-year history of the famous amateur play there was such an application process.

Christian Stückl’s foster son as a rival

The local council called for applications for the management position at the beginning of the year. Cover letters, CVs and any certificates were required. But apparently the number of interested parties was limited: there were three applicants.

The procedure was an affront for Christian Stückl. He had already successfully staged the Passion four times, and that was application enough, he said. No question, he wanted to know a fifth time. An applicant from the village with no production experience soon withdrew. This left only Abdullah Karaca, Stückl’s foster son, as a rival.

Game master drama in several acts

Karaca came to the theater through Stückl. Abdullah Karaca gained fame because he was the first Muslim to be allowed to take part in the Passion. Stückl made him his deputy. The son of Turkish parents who grew up in Oberammergau is now a trained director and sees the Passion as a challenge that would make him proud, the 35-year-old told BR24: “For me it would be a dream and a great honor to direct the Passion Play.” The Relationship with Stückl seemed to be broken after the last passion. He wanted to challenge Stückl. Everything seemed as if there was going to be a showdown. But then the turning point.

The decision to manage the game has almost been made

There was even a citizens’ initiative for Christian Stückl as game director. Abdullah Karaca also appeared at the meeting of the initiators, he symbolically extended his hand to Stückl and asked for a conversation to smooth things over in the town. Ultimately, everyone would pursue one goal: a successful passion in 2030.

At the non-public council meeting, only Stückl was commissioned to present his ideas to the citizens’ meeting, according to Andreas Rödl, the mayor of Oberammergau. So the decision for the game management has almost been made.

Apparently Stückl and Karaca had agreed in advance and now want to bring the next passion to the stage as a team. How exactly the roles are distributed will be exciting. The citizens’ meeting at the end of next week will provide a first foretaste.



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