Christian Martinoli and Luis García could change television

The main attraction of Mexican soccer broadcasts from TV Azteca are the stories of Christian Martinoli and the comments of Luis Garciaone of the most iconic duos that despite spending years on the same television, the rumor that they can leave and take another course gained more strength.

On a recent visit to Nuevo León, the duo was questioned about the possibility of change television. None denied it, they evaded the issue and assured that they could not talk about it at that time.

“No, not about that topic… I prefer not to talk. We have to go now, thank you very much” answered Christian Martinoli, while García responded emphatically: “We cannot talk about this.”

A few months ago, an anecdote from the sports writer born in Argentina went viral in which he revealed that Televisa he sought to take his services after the 2010 World Cup in South Africa.

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