Christian Estrosi resigns from his position as president of the Nice-Côte d’Azur Metropolis

While the metropolitan council was held this Wednesday, July 10, 2024 in Nice, Christian Estrosi has announced his resignation from the post of President of the Metropolis Nice-Côte d’Azur. A resignation that he will submit to the prefect of the Alpes-Maritimes.

Secondly, Christian Estrosi indicates thathe will be a candidate for the post of president once moreA decision which follows the campaign and the results of the legislative elections when Éric Ciotti, his political enemy, was elected this Sunday, July 7, deputy under the LR-RN banner.

Christian Estrosi says: “Since its creation, I have wanted this Metropolis with many of you in line with a political life dedicated to the solidarity of resources from urban and peri-urban areas of the coast for the benefit of a rural area which saw its public services close, its schools, its postal services, its winter and summer resorts go bankrupt..”

After the results of the legislative elections, Christian Estrosi draws conclusions : “CLike all of France and like our entire region, we must face the political restructuring and the rise of the extremes, both left and right. During the electoral campaign that has just ended, some of you made very hostile statements towards the Metropolis, its action and its services.”

“There is no question of presiding over an executive which includes elected representatives from the extreme right or extreme left.”

Since the Metropolis is rejected by some, since the same or others consider that intercommunal solidarity is a problem, it is therefore time to clarify things. As it is out of the question for me to chair an executive which includes elected representatives from the extreme right or the extreme left, or their supporters, and as the confusion which reigns in our assembly degrades the image and the action of our Metropolis, I inform you that I have decided to resign from my post as president of the Metropolis.” justifies Christian Estrosi.

Citizens will be summoned in a few days to elect a new president and a new executive.” he concluded.

Waiting the election of the new president which will take place on July 19, 2024it is Louis Nègre, the mayor of Cagnes-sur-Mer, who will ensure the interim.

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