Christian Democracy, peace “explodes” between Cuffaro and Rotondi? The maneuvers for the new White Whale –

No more arguments with stamped papers and appeals on the crossed shield. The former DC minister Saverio Romano, now political coordinator of ‘Noi Moderati’, the centrist political formation that ran in alliance with Forza Italia in the last European elections, exceeding 9 percent, is working to put an end to the legal dispute between Totò Cuffaro and Gianfranco Rotondi over the use of the name Christian Democracy, which recalls the historic White Whale. The aim of the mediation is to reach a sort of ‘pax’ that is first and foremost legal but also political, to invite the two contenders to lay down their arms. In the background there is another objective: that of encouraging the recomposition of all the Christian Democrat souls in the center-right still in search of a home and an identity after the end of the old DC. First step towards a new center-left entity in view of the political elections.

“Political disputes represent anti-politics in a plastic way, especially when the most inclusive symbol of the republican history of Italy is at stake,” Romano tells Adnkronos, aiming for a sort of Christian Democrat peace because “the DC belonged to many and having it in contention ends up betraying its values.” “Cuffaro and Rotondi are also convinced of all this,” reveals the Noi Moderati parliamentarian, “and they will soon meet to remedy in a political setting what becomes decisive in a judicial setting.” “Mine,” the former minister assures, “is not an interested contribution since ‘Noi Moderati’ already has a federal pact with the new DC and is working to strengthen the center of the center-right that recognizes itself in the values ​​and program of the EPP.”

In short, the great maneuvers continue in the center for the creation of a fourth leg, centrist and Christian Democrat. It has always existed since the foundation of the center-right. Today this area is divided into various small parties, the so-called bushes: from ‘Noi moderateti’ by Maurizio Lupi to the UDC by Lorenzo Cesa to the DC by Rotondi, who however sits in the parliamentary group of Fdi. If Cesa is working to build a centrist parliamentary component strongly anchored to the center-right and inspired by the values ​​of the crossed shield, Rotondi would have relaunched by suggesting a recomposition of the various Christian Democrat souls in a new White Whale, a party capable of ‘covering’ Giorgia Meloni in the center. The legal dispute over the use of the white shield with a red cross accompanied by the words ‘Libertas’ has been going on for some time. The judges decided that the right to use the symbol remains with the UDC led by Cesa since 2005, which has used it in electoral competitions over the past twenty years. However, Salvatore Cuffaro, known as Totò, is claiming the use of the logo, dreaming of reuniting the name Democrazia Cristiana with the historic symbol of the White Whale. The former Sicilian governor is carrying on his battle with the Association ‘Democrazia Cristiana Sicilia Nuova’, the ‘Dc Nuova’ as it is called, one of the many political formations that over the past thirty years have presented themselves as heirs of the party that had governed Italy from the post-war period until Tangentopoli.

#Christian #Democracy #peace #explodes #Cuffaro #Rotondi #maneuvers #White #Whale #Tempo
2024-08-02 12:04:01



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