Christian Cueva’s Late Night Visit to Cevicheria Before Crucial Match Revealed: No Alcohol Testing Done

2023-09-28 04:39:59

This Wednesday, Magaly Medina released images of the soccer player Christian Cueva leaving a cevicheria in Santa Anita at almost one in the morning of the same day, just a few hours before playing a defining match with Alianza Lima.

“Cueva plays tomorrow but this morning he was just going home, he was leaving a place, it’s a cevicheria, it was 12:59 today in Santa Anita, he was meeting with some people, he took some photos and he went out and He goes to his car,” commented the magpie.

In that sense, the host of Magaly Tv La Firme clarified that she did not claim at any time that Christian Cueva had been drinking alcohol before the sporting event.

“We are not saying that they had gathered to drink in that cevicheria, we are saying what we see, one minute to one in the morning today, he was leaving a cevicheria, we do not know what he did inside because we are not police officers, We do not do alcohol tests,” explained Magaly Medina.

In addition, he assured that he has no information about what time Christian Cueva arrived at the Santa Anita cevicheria. “We are not stating anything, we are not saying that he partied,” said the redhead.


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