The comedian said he would not comment on the incident at the Oscars until he was paid.
While Will Smith feels Negative consequences his slap at the Oscars, comedian Chris Rock, hit in the faceis experiencing an increase in ticket sales for its comedy shows.
The audience is all waiting for him to comment on the blow from the Oscar-winning actor in his caustic manner. But the stand-up artist has already stated several times that he will not mention Will Smith in his speeches yet.
So on the evening of April 8, he took the stage of the next concert, joked regarding Hillary Clinton, the Kardashian family, Meghan Markle, and once more stressed that he would not say a word regarding the Oscars yet.
“I’m fine, I have a whole (written earlier – Note. ed.) show, and I won’t talk regarding it until I get paid,” Rock was quoted as saying. Desert Sun. – Life is Beautiful. My hearing has returned.”
The latter is obviously a little joke, referring to the ringing in the head following a slap.
But as for money, it is not yet clear who and how much should pay Chris to break the silence. Should a major TV channel fork out or a concert venue? Or maybe the comedian just hasn’t come up with a real joke yet to describe his feelings regarding Smith’s slap?
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