Choose the right skill development track to fulfill the pledge of serving the country with skills – Kaifeng Online Review – Kaifeng Online

Choose the right skill development track to fulfill your pledge to serve the country with your skills

Source: Kaifeng Daily

Author: Qiu Zhilin

Release time: 2024-09-25 08:46:20

“If you want to chase stars, chase Lu Jingyi!” “‘Jing’ waits for the flowers to bloom, ‘Yi’ returns with a triumphant song!” “World champion Lu Jingyi, the pride of Kaifeng! The pride of Henan! The pride of China!”… This is the description of the report published on the front page of Kaifeng Daily on September 20 – “Triumphant! World champion Lu Jingyi returns “home” with a gold medal. Henan Institute of Chemical Technology sets off a “skill chasing wave”. Teachers and students give flowers and applause to the gold medal team of the World Skills Championships that wins glory for the country”. It records the festive scene and star-chasing scene on September 19 when teachers and students of Henan Chemical Technician College welcomed Lu Jingyi, a 19-year-old girl who had just won the championship in the World Skills Competition and won the gold medal for China in the chemical laboratory technology project, back to “home”. The author can’t help but praise this kind of star-chasing that advocates science and skills, and cheers for more and more young people like Lu Jingyi to choose the right track for themselves and live a different and wonderful life.

Skills become talents and realize life dreams. If everyone wants to succeed and everyone wants to be talented, does it mean that they have to cross a single-plank bridge with thousands of troops? Is it true that only by going to “985” or “211” can you be successful and become a talent? The answer is no. On the morning of May 9 this year, the State Council Information Office held a series of press conferences on the theme of “Promoting High-Quality Development” in Henan in Beijing. Sun Shougang, member of the Standing Committee of the Henan Provincial Party Committee and Executive Vice Governor, mentioned Jiang Yuhe, a Henan girl born after 2000, when answering “In recent years, Henan has vigorously promoted the construction of ‘Everyone has a certificate and is skilled in Henan’.” Jiang Yuhe’s hometown is in rural Nanyang. After graduating from junior high school, she embarked on the journey south to work. Due to lack of knowledge and skills, she could only do unskilled jobs. The boring working life made her begin to doubt life. Later, she chose the right track, came to Kaifeng, and attended Henan Chemical Technician College, where she realized a transformation in her life: she studied hard, studied hard, and achieved remarkable results. In November 2022, Jiang Yuhe represented China and won the gold medal in the Chemistry Laboratory Technology Competition of the Salzburg Division of the Austrian World Skills Competition held in Salzburg, Austria, achieving the Chinese team’s gold medal in this project. Zero” breakthrough. After graduating in 2023, she stayed at the school and became the youngest senior lecturer at Henan Chemical Technician College. She was honored to be elected as the national March 8th Red Flag Bearer. Not only Jiang Yuhe and Lu Jingyi, but also Li Wenhang and He Jiangtao, students graduating from vocational colleges are becoming more and more outstanding and in demand, and more and more skilled talents are achieving “counterattack”! Their experiences make everyone believe that if you choose the right track, “everyone can become a talent, and everyone can give full play to their talents”; their experiences make everyone understand that “having a rich family is not as good as having skills” and mastering a real technology Only by doing so can one have more choices in life. Skills are the basis for everyone’s confidence and a surefire weapon for employment and increased income; their experiences also inspire more young people to embark on the path of becoming talents through skills and achieve “ Stable employment, high-paying employment”, rely on skills and abilities to realize the dream of becoming a talent, embark on the road to success, and live a happy life.

Serving the country with skills, realizing the leap from a “manufacturing power” to a “manufacturing powerhouse”. “If you can’t get into high school, go to a secondary vocational school; if you can’t get into a college, go to a higher vocational school.” Is vocational education “inferior”? The answer is no. In fact, vocational education and general education are two different types of education, with equal importance. Especially today when we are fully promoting China’s modernization, the team of technical workers is an important force supporting China’s manufacturing and creation. From “Chang’e” to the moon, “Jiaolong” to the sea, to “Mozi” to send messages, and “Zhurong” to explore Mars, these major equipment and super projects of the country are inseparable from the hard work of technical workers and the wisdom of the craftsmen of the country; from the endless new energy and new materials to the continuous development of intelligent manufacturing and technical processes, more skilled talents are needed to master and apply them, and we look forward to more craftsmen of the country to innovate and develop. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, our country has attached great importance to the construction of a team of skilled talents and has successively introduced a series of policies and measures. At present, there are more than 200 million skilled workers and more than 60 million highly skilled talents in China. An increasingly powerful team of highly skilled talents is becoming a new force in economic construction and an important force in promoting high-quality development. As the state and local governments introduce more and more policies and measures to support the development of vocational education, and as society sends out more and more strong signals of respect and urgent need for more skilled talents, vocational education will surely become more popular, and skilled talents will become more attractive, truly becoming the intellectual support for promoting China’s economic and social development.

Talent is the key to national rejuvenation. The Decision of the CPC Central Committee on Further Deepening Reform and Promoting Chinese-style Modernization, adopted at the Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee, proposed to “accelerate the construction of national strategic talent, focus on cultivating strategic scientists, first-class scientific and technological leaders and innovation teams, focus on cultivating outstanding engineers, great craftsmen, and high-skilled talents, and improve the quality of all kinds of talents. Build a first-class team of industrial technical workers”. In order to study and implement the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee, governments at all levels and relevant departments should promote the spirit of craftsmanship and selfless dedication in the whole society through measures such as holding skill competitions, selecting skill models, and commending model workers, so as to transform the demographic dividend of China’s large population into a talent dividend, continuously amplify the effect of talent as the first resource, establish a social trend of respecting skills and pursuing “skill stars”, promote the mainstream values ​​of “labor is glorious, skills are valuable, and creation is great”, and provide the majority of workers, especially young people, with space to show themselves and a superior growth environment. Growing up in a great era, with a platform for success and an environment for growth, young people must also study harder, hone their superb skills, strive to become skilled craftsmen and great country craftsmen, realize a brilliant life by contributing to society and serving the country, and practice their youthful oath to become skilled and serve the country with skills with practical actions!



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