Cholesterol: These 9 foods lower your cholesterol levels


These nine foods lower cholesterol levels

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Eating the right foods can lower high cholesterol levels. These nine foods can provide particularly good support.

Berlin. Cholesterol is a fat-like substance involved in a variety of metabolic functions. It serves as an energy supplier, is a component of the cell walls and an important element in fat digestion. In addition, it has important functions for the vitamin D metabolism and the production of sex hormones.

A healthy person actually produces enough via the liver cholesterol for all necessary metabolic functions. The rest of the cholesterol is ingested through food. The wrong diet in the form of large amounts of saturated fats, trans fats and sugar increases cholesterol levels. However, certain foods can also lower it once more. Read here: Why you can see high cholesterol levels in your eyes.

High Cholesterol: “Good” and “Bad” Cholesterol – What’s the Difference?

High blood lipid levels come as a shock to many. A high level of “bad” LDL cholesterol is particularly alarming: LDL cholesterol can build up in the blood vessels as plaques. The consequences can include cardiovascular diseases such as Heart attack and be strokes.

A cholesterol value that may well be too high is the “good” HDL cholesterol. HDL carries excess LDL cholesterol in the artery walls and tissues back to the liver for excretion in the bile. To increase your HDL cholesterol, you should pay special attention to a healthy diet and these nine cholesterol-lowering foods incorporate into the diet.

1. Avocado once morest cholesterol

Die Avocado has a high content of monounsaturated fatty acids. An investigation from 2016 analyzed 10 studies on the effect of avocado on blood lipid levels. The result: Regular consumption of avocados can lower total cholesterol, triglycerides (a subset of fats found in the blood) and unhealthy LDL levels.

2. Green tea has a positive effect on cholesterol levels

Green tea not only makes you awake, but also healthy and beautiful. The antioxidants contained in the tea counteract the cell aging process and prevent diseases. Also bind the in green tea contained secondary plant substances “saponins” cholesterol and inhibit the absorption of fat from food. Regular intake of green tea lowers loudly a meta-analysis of 14 studies total cholesterol and bad LDL cholesterol in the blood. Green tea can be taken in capsule form or as tea three to four cups a day.

3. Nuts protect cardiovascular system

Nuts contain a high proportion of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. The high-quality fats protect the cardiovascular system and are associated with an anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer effect. US researchers checked in a Analyse 25 nut studies and concluded that a handful daily walnuts or almonds to eat, bad blood lipid levels significantly lowers.

4. Tomatoes once morest cholesterol

The dye lycopene does that Tomato not only beautiful red, it also increases the level of healthy HDL cholesterol. Eating a few tomatoes every day, whether fresh or canned, benefits blood lipid levels. In a Finnish investigation Study participants had to integrate a particularly large number of tomatoes into their diet for three weeks. Over time, the tomato eaters had significantly reduced their total and LDL cholesterol compared to the control group. However, the vegetables should be heated before consumption. Then the body can absorb the substance lycopene particularly well.

5. Lower Cholesterol – With onions and garlic

Good news for everyone Onion and Garlic Friends: Red onions and garlic also have cholesterol-lowering properties, according to the reviews University of California and des Food Research Institute “CSRI” showed. Onions contain sulfur groups that protect cell walls and lower cholesterol. The garlic active ingredient allicin gives Garlic its characteristic odor and inhibits important enzymes involved in cholesterol synthesis, thereby reducing LDL cholesterol in the blood.

6. Fatty fish: silver bullet once morest cholesterol?

Especially high-fat fish such as salmon, herring and mackerel have a high proportion of healthy ones Omega-3 fatty acids, which increase the HDL content in the blood and thus also reduce the bad LDL. The “American Heart Association”, a US non-profit organization that deals with the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disease, recommends on its Website Eat a serving of oily fish at least twice a week. If that is too much or too expensive for you, you can also use high-quality omega-3 capsules made from fish oil.

9. Ginger once morest high cholesterol levels

The spice plant contains the active ingredient gingerol. The dominant pungent enhances the conversion of cholesterol into bile acid. One meta-analysis from 2018 came to the conclusion that from two grams Ginger– Consumption per day the cholesterol-lowering effect occurs. It doesn’t matter whether you consume the plant processed as a tea or integrate it into your cooking.

10. Pears and apples for cholesterol problems

Of course it is – also independent of the cholesterol levels – recommended to include a lot of fresh fruit and vegetables on the menu. If you have high cholesterol, you should especially eat too many pears and apples, like one review paper from the 2015 shows. Pears contain the plant fiber lignin, which helps break down cholesterol in the intestine. Apples contain pectin, a plant compound that binds cholesterol-rich bile acids in the colon.

11. Olive oil once morest cholesterol

The oil is pressed from olives and consists of 70 percent monounsaturated fatty acids. These healthy ones fatty acids in the form of, for example, omega-3 fatty acids and linoleic acid, according to the “German Heart Foundation” the bad LDL content in the blood and increase the good HDL values.



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