The ranking identifies each year the 100 leaders under 40 called upon to play a driving role in the continent’s economy. Installing synergies between these talented young leaders is one of Choiseul’s objectives. 12 Moroccans are in this top 100. Discover them.
Founded in 2010, the highly influential Institut Choiseul operates as an independent think tank, a sort of think tank focused on economic governance, leadership and networking talent. Dr. Pascal Lorot, its founder and president, spoke to African Business regarding the institute’s activity and some key trends in this year’s Choiseul 100 Africa. Remarkable for the youth of its population, half of whom will be under 25 in 2050, the African continent is at the crossroads of contemporary and future global challenges.
Since 2014 with the launch of the Choiseul Africa initiative, the Choiseul Institute has wanted to promote a positive discourse on Africa’s potential in order to bridge the gap between the perception of the continent – particularly by private operators – and the reality on the ground. . Today, the continent is full of young skills, business leaders or young creative entrepreneurs, nuggets of the new economy or leaders of prestigious institutions, these leaders are able to reinvent their models of governance to exploit the opportunities offered by the world. of tomorrow.
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In this perspective, the Choiseul 100 Africa ranking was launched in order to highlight the talent of young economic leaders and to create a network for these profiles who embody the dynamism of an entire continent. These champions are the first actors in the economic development of Africa on an international scene undergoing profound change. Leaders have the unique ability to inspire others and drive change through their aura and growth actions. Faced with the many challenges linked to the digitization of the continent, the urgency of ecological transition or the necessary development of infrastructure, young African entrepreneurs have shown resilience and demonstrated their ability to adapt.
Making a ranking is not enough to value the great talent of these young leaders. To go further, the Institut Choiseul organizes events dedicated to the development of business opportunities in Africa. With the next Choiseul Africa Business Forum, which will take place in Casablanca on October 19 and 20, we aim to achieve structuring and value-creating partnerships and to stimulate growth dynamics on the continent. “Through the Choiseul 100 Africa and Choiseul Africa Business Forum rankings, we are proud to promote inter- and intra-continental synergies, for a fertile business climate in Africa”, rejoices Dr Pascal Lorot, founder and president of the Institute. Choiseul.
Africa’s Top 100 Young Entrepreneurs
For the 9th year, the Institut Choiseul unveils the 100 most promising African business leaders aged 40 and under. This ranking highlights Africa’s formidable assets and aims to build a unique network of economic leaders across the continent. The first edition of the “Choiseul 100 Africa – The Economic Leaders for Tomorrow” was created in 2014 and already revealed in African Business Magazine. The ranking identifies each year the 100 leaders under 40 called upon to play a driving role in the continent’s economy. According to Dr. Lorot, “The Choiseul 100 Africa aims to highlight young men and women who are successful and have the ambition to elevate Africa to its highest level of economic, societal and cultural development”.
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On the first step of the podium of the top 100 best young African business leaders is the Libyan Shaban Whiba, managing director, Whiba Holding, followed by Leila Bouamatou, Mauritanian managing director and member of the board of directors of Générale de Banque de Mauritanie and Anta Babacar Ngom Diack, Senegalese Managing Director of Sedima Group.

Morocco is fairly well represented in this ranking, with 12 young leaders. It is :
- Mehdi Alj (8è), Chief Executive officer – Sanam Agro
- Saad Sefrioui (15è), Chief Executive officer – Addoha Group
- Youssef Ahizoun (21è), Chief Executive officer – Arma Group
- Loubna Tricha (26th), Managing Director – Office for Vocational Training and Labor Promotion (OFPPT)
- Badreiddine Mansouri (34è), Managing Director Sub Sahara Africa – Stellantis
- Ali Seddiki (37th), General Manager – Moroccan Investment and Export Development Agency (AMDIE)
- Hicham Bensaid Alaoui (42è), Chief Executive Officer – Allianz Trade Morocco
- Mehdi Bennouna (61è), Managing Director – Mutandis Group
- Amine Belhaj Soulami, (79è), Chief of staff to the minister – Ministry of Industry
and Trade of Morocco
- Hamza El Kabbaj (82è), Business Development Project Director – Nareva
- Mohamed Intidam (89è), Director of Strategy and Development – Koutoubia Holding
- Najwa El Iraki (96è), Founder & Managing Partner – AfricaDev Consulting Ltd

The Choiseul 100 Africa now has a list of 100 additional winners who aspire to join the top 100. “It is impossible to showcase all the talents of the continent with only 100 names”, explains Dr Lorot. Whether they come from the banking, energy, agri-food or infrastructure sectors, these young decision-makers participate in the growth of the African economy and are drivers of innovation at the national or even pan-African level. .
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The Choiseul 100 Africa is widely regarded as a unique and important survey, and confers considerable prestige on those who feature in it. More than a ranking, the Choiseul 100 Africa has become an unparalleled network of pan-African influence for the younger generation, with 500 active members spread across 48 of the continent’s 54 countries. With so many countries represented and more than 16 sectors of activity, this 2022 edition aims more than any other to reflect the diversity of talented leaders on the continent.
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Asked regarding the major trends that emerge from this new edition of the Choiseul 100 Africa, Dr Lorot underlined the growing concern of the young generation of decision-makers in terms of corporate social responsibility. “The new management integrates impact as a real KPI, reshaping local ecosystems. It considers that governance must be driven by new fundamentals.