Choir and theater group combine music with drama – Leinsweiler

The choir project Viva musica Leinsweiler and the theater group of the Montessori School Landau will perform the piece “The Colors of Love” in the Sonnenberghalle in Leinsweiler on the weekend, October 5th and 6th, at 7 p.m.

They combine music and acting in a special way. The choir project Viva musica Leinsweiler, under the musical direction of Beate Dittman, is a pillar of the 1876 Leinsweiler choir. The theater group at the Montessori School in Landau is directed by Kerstin Seibert.

The background to the performance is the Impuls program supported by the Federal Music Association for Choir and Orchestra. This presents the new open choir project “Lived Diversity – Choir Meets Theater” Viva musica with the task of innovatively combining singing and acting. It started in February. Not only were suitable songs selected under the theme of love, but a whole love story was also developed with a script. With the founding of the theater working group “Viva Spettacolo”, based on Viva musica, the project gained additional momentum.

Admission is free, but donations are requested at the end of the event. Reservations can be requested by email to



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