Choi Min-jung, Kim A-rang and Lee Yu-bin advance to the semifinals side by side in the 1500m [베이징올림픽]

The women’s short track team made a fresh start to the 1500m gold medal.

Choi Min-jung, Kim A-rang and Lee Yu-bin passed all the women’s 1500m short track semifinals at the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics held at the Capital Indoor Stadium in Beijing, China on the followingnoon of the 16th.

Choi Min-jung, who is aiming for a second straight victory, was formed in Group 1 with Zhang Yuting (China), Petra Yasupati (Hungary), Liana the Fries (Netherlands), Camilla Stormovska (Poland), and Arianna Siegel (Italy).

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Choi Min-jung, a Korean women’s short track skater. Photo (Beijing, China)=AFPBBNEWS=NEWS1

Choi Min-jung, who was running slowly from behind, reversed through the in-course with three laps left, widening the gap with the second-placed group, and advanced to the semifinals with the first place.
Arang Kim, included in Group 2, competed with Arianna Fontana (Italy), Anna Seidel (Germany), Corinne Stoddard (USA), Olga Tikhonova (Kazakhstan) and Gwendoline Dodde (France). Like Choi Min-jung, Kim A-rang started slowly.

Kim A-Rang, who climbed to 3rd place with four laps left, quickly reversed with one last lap and confirmed the semi-finals with 1st place.

Lee Yu-bin was included in Article 5. He faced off once morest Kim Boutin (Canada), Cinthia Maschito (Italy), Natalia Malicewska (Poland), Kikuchi Yuki, and Kaminaga Shione (above Japan). He started in fourth and took the lead with nine laps left.

Started to keep the lead Mercury stably. He competed for the lead with Kim Boutin, but the gap between 3rd and 2nd was not overdone by the size.

[안준철 MK스포츠 기자]

[ⓒ 매일경제 &, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]



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