Chivas can’t beat Leon and still doesn’t win

Las Chivas they didn’t win, it’s been four days of the tournament and they can’t add three.

But they did not lose, and with all the circumstances that occurred in the game against León, it can be said that the Herd saved a point.

The goalless draw with León does not calm the Flock’s urgency to celebrate, but today everything played against them, especially arbitration. Hit or miss, the markings of Jorge Perez Duran They harmed the team from Guadalajara, which deserved to win, but in reality, was saved from losing.

the goal he scored Alexis Vegaa fantastic volley, with three fingers, that sent the ball nesting in the upper left corner of León’s goal, was to be worth two.

It was one of those works of art that remain in the memory, that should be hung on the wall, but…

In the end it was not worth it. An out of place, a player of the Guadalajara he was too close to Rodolfo Cota, close enough to say that he was getting in the way of the play.

The penalty came for Chivas

A light touch of Byron Castillo about him ‘Chicote’ Calderon. Rigorous penalty, but with the elements to point it out. Chicote himself dared to collect it. He took flight, stopped a few steps before hitting the ball and when he did, it was cornered, but not enough for Cota to miss.

To finish it. Hard entrance of Luis Olivas on Joel Campbell at 64 minutes. The play had been marked as out of place, but that did not exempt the center-back from the strong tackle on the Costa Rican’s ankle. Red card and the flock was left with ten men.

León could not take advantage of the numerical superiority, Chivas, it must be said, he settled well in defense with ten men.

But the Flock still hasn’t won, and although now it was saved from not losing, that is no consolation for the ancestry of Guadalajara.

YOU CAN SEE: Pep Guardiola confuses America with Chivas

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