Chinese Teen Wolf Warrior “My ideal is very ordinary, to be the governor of Taiwan” Net exclamation: Why not challenge Xi Jinping to the throne

“My ideal is very ordinary, to be the governor of Taiwan”, and the Internet exclaimed: Why not challenge Xi Jinping to the throne. (retrieved from twitter)

China ushered in the “11th National Day” holiday week this week, and many artists and netizens have expressed their love for the country and the party. Recently, a video of a Chinese teenager sparked discussions among many overseas Chinese netizens, praising his “courageous” speech and encouraging him to challenge the Chinese president in the future.

The teenager’s online name is “Li Li Juvenile Talk”. He has been posting videos on Douyin since 2019. It can also be seen that he has grown rapidly from a young child to a young wolf warrior. Most of his channels are speeches and criticisms of political and economic current affairs, but most of his stances are biased towards the Communist Party of China.

A recent video of “Li Li’s Juvenile Talk” has attracted the attention of overseas Chinese netizens. He said in the video: “My ideal is very ordinary, that is to be a governor of Taiwan Province!” He also said that his policy measures “don’t want to be too mature”, but he stressed that if he really became the governor of Taiwan , first of all to carry out “patriotic education”, and also to expel all Japanese nationals, businesses, hospitals and schools in Taiwan. In addition, he will severely punish corrupt officials, “for corruption of more than 1 million yuan to life imprisonment, for corruption of more than 5 million yuan, kill!”.

“Li Li’s Youth Talk” channel is mostly biased towards the CCP’s position. (Translated from Douyin)

He also sent a

He also sent a “Letter to Brothers in the Taiwan Army” before. (Translated from Douyin)

“Li Li Juvenile Talk” said that after he finished his 10 major political opinions, the teacher applauded him for a long time, and he even asked netizens: “Can I be the governor of this Taiwan Province?” Special netizens shouted: “Little Wolf Warrior, he has been poisoned too deeply.”, “I hope he can grow up well.” Another netizen said: “The governor is too young, do the biggest thing if you want to! Xi Jinping, you go! Some netizens also believe that a middle school student cannot say such a “line”, and there should be parental guidance behind it.

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