Chinese scientists have discovered a way to make water from lunar soil – World

The leading scientific journal The Innovation has claimed in a report that Chinese scientists have developed a method of distilling water from lunar soil. This research is also part of the plan to put a man on the moon.

Man has dreamed of settling on the moon and other space bodies in every age. During the last century and a half, the progress made in the natural sciences and arts at an amazing speed has inspired man to think about the shameful interpretation of this dream.

Over the past two decades, the scope of research on the moon has expanded rapidly, and developed countries have begun to seriously think and plan about establishing settlements on the moon. This planning is very advanced because there is no oxygen in the moon’s atmosphere and water is also not available in the open air.

A team from the Ningbo Institute of Materials Technology and Engineering of The Chinese Academy of Science, led by Professor Wang Jungqiang, has succeeded in distilling water from lunar soil. These researchers have developed a strategy to produce large-scale water on the surface of the moon. For this, the intermediate chemical reaction between lunar soil and endogenous hydrogen will be used.