Chinese Scientists Discover 8 New Strains of Viruses: Unveiling Disease X and Future Pandemics

2023-10-26 04:58:57

Chinese scientists discovered 8 new strains of viruses that the world had never known before. in rodents living on Hainan Island in the South China Sea that may spread to people Mutations cause “Disease X” and lead to new outbreaks.

Medical Genome Center, Ramathibodi Hospital, posted on its Facebook page. Center for Medical Genomics About the discovery of a new strain of virus that the world had never known before. Afraid of spreading to people causing a new epidemic, stating that

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Chinese scientists have discovered eight new, previously unknown strains of viruses in rodents living on Hainan Island in the South China Sea. that may cause disease

This research project is funded by the Chinese government. And the goal is to alert the world to prepare for future pandemics of unknown viruses.

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There are many different strains of viruses that have been discovered. Including viruses that are in the same family as COVID-19. which has a high possibility of being transmitted to humans If a mutation crosses the species barrier from animals to humans Causes disease X (disease Or viruses that cause diseases that we don’t know. or is not yet known enough, which has the potential to cause serious international epidemics (Pandemic)

Some scientists have called for urgent further testing of these viruses to determine their impact on humans. To prepare for vaccines, antiviral drugs, and ready-made antibodies.

However, many experts disagree. It warns that experimentation with unknown microorganisms in animals carries high risks. It is not worth it because it brings humans into unnatural contact with animal viruses unknown to humans.

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This is because researchers will bring these viruses. To breed and multiply in high-level biosafety laboratories that are often located in densely populated areas. such as in a hospital It may cause infection to personnel in the laboratory and spread to relatives and close people outside the laboratory, leading to a new outbreak (pandemic).

For example, the outbreak of the 2019 coronavirus, which until now experts have not yet reached a conclusion regarding the outbreak of the virus. arising from cultivation Or genetically modify the virus at the Wuhan Institute of Virology?

While many scientists maintain that COVID-19 likely occurred naturally, But moving beyond animals in the wet market in Wuhan, the outbreak has spread to humans (Zoonosis).

The discovery of at least eight new virus strains was published in the journal Virologica Sinica, a publisher of the Chinese Society for Microbiology (CSM), which is affiliated with the China Association of Science and Technology. Commonwealth of States

This journal is edited by Dr. Qi Zhengli, director of the Center for Emerging Infectious Diseases. Wuhan Institute of Virology A person so famous in China that she has been dubbed the Bat Woman.

Dr Qi Chengli and her research team have previously warned that more than 20 new bat coronavirus species pose a high risk. that may cross over and spread to people The research results were published in the medical journal Emerging Microbes & Infections in June 2023.

The rodent virus research team on Hainan Island is led by Dr. Jiang Du from the NHC Key Laboratory of Pathogen System Biology, Institute of Pathogen Biology, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences. and Beijing Union Medical College, Beijing, have performed rectal and throat swabs on rodents caught on Hainan Island. There are approximately 10 million people on the island. Between 2017 and 2021, 682 samples were taken and the entire genome was genetically decoded using techniques. Clinical metagenomics and the results were published in the journal Virologica Sinica on 10 August 2023 and received attention from foreign media, publishing the information on 24 October 2023.

8 new strains of virus The genetic code of the entire genome is very similar to these viruses.

Arenavirus (arenavirus)Coronavirus (coronavirus)astrovirus (astrovirus)parvovirus (parvovirus)papillomavirus (papillomavirus)pestivirus (pestivirus)bocavirus (bocavirus)

From genome level analysis It reveals many new strains of the virus in rodents living on Hainan Island in the South China Sea. Including the new strain of coronavirus. that experts call CoV-HMU-1, which is a betacoronavirus A subspecies of the coronavirus family that COVID-19 also shares.

Other viruses discovered

Two new strains of pestivirus related to yellow fever and dengue fever New astroviruses in the family of viruses that cause stomach infections Two new strains of parvovirus that may cause influenza-like symptoms Papilloma Two new strains of the virus are known to cause genital warts and cervical cancer in people.

In particular, the discovery of new pestiviruses and bocaviruses in two rat species, Edwards’s long-tailed giant rat and Sikkim rat, had not been previously reported.

This group of scientists warns that in addition to bats Disease-carrying rodents pose a serious threat in terms of zoonotic diseases. This is because rodents spread quickly and are diverse in species.

The research team said Results from this study expand our knowledge of virus classification by whole-genome genetic decoding. using metagenomics techniques and the extent of the disease nesting animal or host

It also points out that there are many viruses in many parts of the world. that we cannot access (at the moment) has not yet been discovered These viruses have evolved to mutate independently in wild animals, which might one day spread to humans. Therefore, it is necessary to study to prepare for outbreak prevention with vaccines and antiviral treatment.

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