Chinese Passport Restrictions and the Rise of Wire Routing: A Deep Dive Analysis

2024-03-18 23:19:55

A staff member of a passport application agency in Qingdao said that many Fujianese go to Southeast Asia and other countries and never return to China, so passports are generally not issued to Fujianese. The picture shows a Chinese passport used to apply for a Cambodian visa at the Bawit border crossing in Cambodia. (Omar Havana/Getty Images)

[The Epoch Times, March 18, 2024](Interview and report by Ning Xin, a reporter from the Epoch Times Special Topics Department) Recently, news about the Chinese Communist Party’s authorities stopping issuing passports has been circulating on the Internet. The outside world generally believes that China is now “rich” (referring to people fleeing from China) , a homophone for run in English), too many people caused panic among the authorities, so they adopted various means to restrict the application of passports.

Recently, a video was posted on the Internet of a street office in Lianyungang City, Jiangsu Province, hanging a banner that read “Zero Tolerance for Illegal Immigration and Crime, Strict Attack on All Illegal Immigration and Crime”. A local netizen left a message in the comment area, saying, “We have many people here who go abroad to work without following formal channels, and the passports in our county have been suspended.”

Another netizen whose IP address is from the United States said, “Many Jiangsu people I know here are from Lianyungang, Jiangsu, and are from Donghai.”

A resident of Donghai County, Lianyungang City, confirmed to The Epoch Times reporter that their county has so many people going abroad that it is known as the “Second Fujian” and it is true that passports have been suspended.

After investigation, Epoch Times reporters found that many places in China have stopped issuing passports or tightened the issuance of passports. Chang Yong (pseudonym) from Xinyang, Henan said that he had applied for a passport for more than 20 days but still had no result, which made him very anxious.

He said that there were many people when he applied for a passport. At that time, a man who applied for a passport a week apart from him was directly refused. “There are too many people going out around the Chinese New Year here, so we just stopped it.”

He also revealed that as far as he knew, many cities had stopped issuing passports, and authorities in some areas of Guizhou even directly confiscated individuals’ passports and claimed to keep them on their behalf.

A staff member of a passport application agency in Qingdao City, Shandong Province told reporters that there are so many people applying for passports now. Many areas have stopped applying for passports, and the review is strict. “In many areas, you could get the application for you with the documents before. It’s not easy to get the information.”

The staff member also said that they do not accept passport applications from the Fujian area, because many people from Fujian go to Southeast Asia and other countries, and they are “labeled” (many people do not return to China after going out), and generally do not issue passports. .

Lawyer Liang Shaohua, the former chief compliance officer of a mainland Chinese asset management company, also said in an interview with an Epoch Times reporter last month that it is definitely difficult to get a passport now, and you will be interrogated when leaving customs.

He said: “It’s not like this just recently. It has been like this for the past two years. Recently, someone I know said that they will not renew their passports. They did not directly say that they will not renew their passports. They just asked why you are renewing your passport if you don’t go out now. My passport will not be replaced.”

“It will definitely be tightened, just to prevent everyone from coming out. The CCP has always been like this. It will not expressly prohibit it or issue such documents, but when you actually do it, there will be various obstacles. Just like North Korea, everyone will not be allowed to come out. Ran.”

Lai Jianping, a former Beijing lawyer and Canadian chairman of the Democratic Front, believes that this is the most extreme authoritarian approach of the evil CCP, which wants to turn China into a huge prison.

“No matter how dissatisfied you are, no matter how hard you live, you will have to die here. You can’t leave, and your money can’t be taken away. So it closes the door tightly, afraid of you escaping or sneaking across.”

The CCP’s travel restrictions cannot stop the tide of wire routing

“Traveling” is a new term that spread from mainland China during the epidemic, which refers to smuggling into the United States through specific routes arranged by smugglers. It is understood that people who go online are generally divided into three categories. The first category is to make money, the second category is for the future of their children, and the third category is to breathe free air.

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Chinese people have chosen to flee China one after another, even risking their lives and smuggling into the United States through the tropical rain forests of South America. This is largely due to the CCP’s three-year high-pressure blockade policy on the epidemic, which has made the people unbearable. In addition, Now China’s economic and political environment has plummeted, causing people to lose confidence in the country, so they are using various methods to go abroad.

According to U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) statistics, the number of Chinese citizens who illegally crossed the border from northern Mexico into the United States in fiscal year 2023 (October 1, 2022 to September 30, 2023) surged to more than 24,000; 2024 The number of Chinese citizens illegally crossing the border continued to increase in the first three months of the fiscal year (October, November, and December 2023), reaching 4,261, 4,797, and 5,980 respectively.

CBP data shows that so far in fiscal year 2024, 1.23 million illegal immigrants have entered the United States, of which about 27% are from Mexico, 14% from Guatemala, 8% from Honduras, and nearly half of them are from countries and regions outside these countries. , including China.

Qian Xiaozhe, a young man from Jiangxi, used to be a delivery boy in China. Due to the epidemic lockdown, he couldn’t stand the living environment in China and planned to go abroad. In April 2022, he came to Turkey from Hong Kong, and then traveled to Italy, Serbia, Germany and other places in Europe. During this period, he worked as a cheap labor force in Chinese factories to make ends meet. A year later, he successfully smuggled to Turkey in July last year by crossing the tropical rainforest. U.S.

He revealed to reporters that due to the substantial increase in the number of Chinese people walking online, online shopping has now formed an “industrial chain.” Chinese people open online hotels and restaurants, and police will intercept Chinese people while walking online and ask for money. As well as gangsters kidnapping and robbing Chinese people, etc. Only those who have experienced it will have a deep understanding of the hardships along the way.

He said that there are too many people coming through the line, and most of them do not speak English. After arriving in the United States, they can only find jobs in Chinese restaurants to make ends meet. It feels like they are “involved” from China to the United States.

Some media reported that due to the increasing number of Chinese tourists coming to the United States, it was revealed that a Chinese restaurant in the greater New York area hired a kitchen handyman for US$2,600 a month six months ago. When the employee left, the restaurant dropped the price. Monthly salary to $2,400. Because there were many illegal immigrants coming to the United States, the restaurant had a lot of workers to hire. So after another worker stayed for 2 months and left, the restaurant lowered the monthly salary to US$2,000 a month.

Qian Xiaozhe also said: “There are too many people coming, and the Chinese restaurant owners take the opportunity to keep the prices very low. If you don’t do it, you won’t have money to use it. So many people have no choice. Even if the wages are much lower than before, they must do it in order to survive.” If you want to do it, you can only stay in a restaurant, which will take at least half a year.”

Qian Xiaozhe is currently boarding at a massage parlor, where he is working hard to learn English. He said that his destiny will completely change only if he truly integrates into American society.

Editor in charge: Lian Shuhua#

#Chinas #moisturizing #tide #continues #unabated #CCP #tightened #stopped #issuing #passports #Lianyungang #Fujian #Alignment

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