Chinese film industry is about to usher in the recovery of the whole industry-Entertainment-中工网

Original Title: Persevere in Difficulties and See the Dawn (Quotation)

Chinese film is about to usher in the recovery of the whole industry (theme)

beijing dailyReporter Yuan Yuner

Chinese films in 2022 will move forward amidst difficulties and breed new opportunities in difficulties. The impact of the epidemic on the film industry has reached its maximum this year, but it is gratifying that filmmakers are still sticking to it, and the audience and box office are still there. The prevention and control of the epidemic has entered a new stage, and Chinese films are about to usher in a complete industry-wide recovery.

Keywords: difficult

Theater operating pressure exceeds expectations

No one expected that 2022 would be the year when the new crown epidemic will hit the film industry the hardest. With the support of blockbuster films such as “Shuimen Bridge of Changjin Lake”, “This Killer Is Not So Calm”, and “Miracle Stupid Kid”, the 2022 Spring Festival file has achieved a good result of 6.039 billion yuan. At that time, filmmakers felt that the market would gradually improve. However, to everyone’s surprise, since March, due to the continuous impact of the epidemic, theaters in various places have been opened and closed, and the operating rate has been greatly reduced. Among them, only 4,434 theaters were open nationwide on November 30, and the operating rate was as low as 35.4%. .

When it becomes uncertain whether the theater will be open or not, more and more domestic films dare not fix the file and can only wait and see. Coupled with the absence of imported blockbusters such as “Top Gun 2” and “Thor 4: Love and Thunder” in mainland theaters, there was an inevitable “film shortage” in theaters, and only 5 new films were released in October. According to statistics from the Beacon Professional Edition, as of December, the total number of films released in mainland theaters was 377, which is nearly half of the 697 films released in 2021.

When the audience walked into the theater but found that there were no films to watch, the survival crisis of the theater officially came. This year, there have also been a lot of “extremely fixed files”, that is, the movies are only fixed a few days before the release, which also brings great difficulties to the film’s publicity work. Even if the movie enters the theater, it is difficult to reach ordinary audiences.

There are no films in theaters, the number of audiences has decreased, and the box office has fallen… Following this, the operating pressure of theaters is high, many theaters are forced to close down, new films cannot attract investment, and film production is also affected. As of December 21, the annual box office was only 29.1 billion yuan. Under the shadow of the epidemic, film activities have decreased. Large-scale film festivals such as the Shanghai International Film Festival may be postponed or canceled, and the platforms for filmmakers to communicate and interact have also been reduced accordingly.

Keywords: hold on

New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day are expected to welcome a turnaround

Facing the difficult situation, Chinese filmmakers did not give up, did not blame others, but endured everything silently, tried every means to save themselves, and survived this most bleak time.

Cinemas have tried every means to find a way to survive. If there is no film to show, then contact the film studio to hold a film festival, or find another way, hold small performances such as crosstalk and talk shows in the theater, or broadcast the World Cup live, or turn into a romantic and warm proposal place… If there are fewer audiences, then open up Online sales channels, selling snacks and drinks live. These tricks that sound novel and poignant are the theater’s struggle when facing difficulties.

Creators are not idle either. Although the sudden attack of the epidemic may cause the crew to stop working, there are still many films that are still being carefully produced and will meet the audience after the shadow of the epidemic dissipates. The domestic sci-fi blockbuster “The Wandering Earth 2”, which will be released on the first day of the Spring Festival next year, is currently entering the final post-sprint stage. Zhang Yimou’s new film “Manjianghong” is currently under intense production. There is also “Three Thousand Miles of Chang’an”, the first work of the light-following animation “New Culture Series”, which will show the prosperity of the Tang Dynasty by telling the past events of Gao Shi and Li Bai, the Jiedu envoy of the Tang Dynasty. The rich and solid film reserves ensure that after the epidemic is over, theaters will still have new films to watch in terms of quantity and quality. Domestic blockbusters are still worth looking forward to.

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The 12th Beijing International Film Festival, the 35th China Film Golden Rooster Awards, the 36th Popular Film Hundred Flowers Awards, the 16th FIRST Youth Film Festival and the just-opened 4th Hainan Island International Film Festival, which have been held this year, are still With an optimistic and high-spirited attitude, he united and inspired Chinese filmmakers, and showed the vitality and tenacity of Chinese films to the world.

After the optimization and adjustment of epidemic prevention and control measures in many places across the country, the film industry finally saw the dawn, and the turning point has arrived. On December 20, the total number of operating theaters across the country reached 9,583, with an operating rate of 76.6%.

Keywords: breakthrough

The main theme of science fiction films to create new glories

In addition to perseverance, the Chinese film market in 2022 also has bright spots and gains.

The creation of the main theme film is outstanding, and it is still the most dazzling performance of film creation this year. “Shuimen Bridge of Changjin Lake” continues the magnificent atmosphere of “Changjin Lake”, and writes the extraordinary shocking power of Chinese-style war blockbusters in terms of audio-visual effects and emotional resonance; The legendary story shows the hero’s courage and strategy, blood and tears; “Miracle: Stupid Child” tells the inspirational story of ordinary people realizing the Chinese dream in the new era, and the language of the film is full of vigor and vigor. Anti-epidemic films such as “Holding You Through the Cold Winter” and “Ordinary Heroes” have played the role of film works in recording reality and soothing people’s hearts through different perspectives and styles. “A Thousand Miles Homecoming”, which was released on the National Day file, is a successful attempt to integrate the main theme and commercial genre films. It combines elements such as war and road films, showing the demeanor of contemporary Chinese diplomats.

This year, domestic films have made great breakthroughs in genres such as science fiction and animation. The release of three sci-fi films, “Lonely on the Moon”, “Wars of Tomorrow” and “Mozart in Outer Space”, allowed the industry and audience to see the obvious progress in the visual effects of domestic sci-fi films. In particular, “Lonely Walking on the Moon” combines science fiction and comedy, and its completion in all aspects is amazing. Although the story of the animated movie “New God List: Yang Jian” has yet to be perfected, the exquisite picture is eye-catching.

A batch of literary and artistic films have gained a good reputation at the box office by virtue of their enthusiastic realistic observation and simple humanistic feelings. The middle-aged romance film “Love Myth” with lines in Shanghai dialect not only did not use the Shanghai dialect to “catch customers”, but instead showed the style of Shanghai, a metropolis; “Mom! “Pay attention to Alzheimer’s disease, elderly care and other issues. The two leading actors Wu Yanshu and Xi Meijuan won the Tiantan Award and the Golden Rooster Award at the Beijing International Film Festival respectively; The point and warm and plain emotions have won high praise from the audience.

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