Chinese Authorities Argue Sandstorms Positively Impact Environment: No Remedy Required – Global – Unveiling the World

Chinese experts have stated that sandstorms are actually beneficial for the environment and don’t need to be cured. Although the sandstorms have been affecting Taiwan and neighboring countries, meteorological experts reported that they are still favorable for the global ecosystem. Gui Hailin, chief forecaster of the China Central Meteorological Observatory, explained that sandstorms occur when there is little rainfall in regions that are not conducive to vegetation growth. Therefore, sand is suitable for these areas to prevent the expansion of sandy land. While there are some adverse effects of dust weather, there are still advantages for the entire global ecosystem. However, some netizens ridiculed Gui Hailin’s views, stating that they contradicted afforestation policies. Recently, sandstorms have been sweeping across China, causing air pollution in various regions.

Chinese experts say sandstorms are good for the environment: there is no need to cure them

(Photo by Associated Press)

Nearest sources are from Northwest China, North China, Northeast China and Mongoliaaffecting Taiwan and many neighboring countries, but Chinese meteorological experts said that the weather pattern of sandstorms does not need to be cured, because it is harmful to the worldStill favorable.

The Chinese media “The Paper” reported that the China Meteorological Administration held a video conference with the theme of “dust”. During the meeting, it was discussed whether the weather pattern of sand and dust can be cured. Gui Hailin, chief forecaster of the China Central Meteorological Observatory, said that on this issue, we should actually pay attention to the country’s governance of sand and dust.

He said that for some climatic regions that already have little rainfall, “a scientific attitude can be adopted to prevent and control desertification”, that is, “sand is suitable for these areas”, mainly to prevent the expansion of sandy land.

Gui Hailin explained that because the climate zone with little rainfall is not conducive to the growth of vegetation, when encountering a special weather system with strong winds and cyclones, the appearance of sand and dust is an inevitable weather phenomenon, so sand and dust “is not a weather that needs to be cured.”

He said that in addition to some adverse effects of dust weather, in fact, there will still be some advantages for “the entire global ecosystem.”

Gui Hailin’s views were reposted on Weibo and Twitter platforms, which sparked heated discussions. Netizens ridiculed: “This is a denial of our afforestation policy”, “Hahaha, it’s all because God has no party spirit and does not obey our party’s policies.” command. Therefore, our party is not responsible for the sandstorm.”

Gui Hailin said that sandstorms are still beneficial to the entire global ecosystem. Netizens asked: “I have never taught the benefits of sandstorms following graduation!”, “This ‘brick’ family has been scolded all over the Internet, and I have been talking regarding it for a long time What are the benefits of sandstorms?” Sandstorms have swept across China recently, especially in southern China such as Zhejiang and Fujian. (PM2.5) is 60 to 80 micrograms per cubic meter.

The above pollutants have affected the outlying island MatsuIn addition, the wind field in the Taiwan Strait was northwesterly yesterday, so that the air pollutants rushed directly towards Taiwan. The concentration of PM10 on the outlying island Penghu reached 210 micrograms per cubic meter at 2 p.m., and the PM10 concentration in Changhua City reached 240 micrograms at 3 p.m. / cubic meter.

In conclusion, Chinese experts have shown that sandstorms may actually be beneficial to the environment and do not necessarily need to be cured. Gui Hailin, chief forecaster of the China Central Meteorological Observatory, explained that sand and dust are an inevitable weather phenomenon in regions with little rainfall and can actually help prevent the expansion of sandy land. While the adverse effects of dust weather may be felt on a local level, sandstorms may have global benefits for the ecosystem. This perspective has sparked heated debate among netizens, but it is a reminder that our understanding of weather patterns and their impact on the environment is constantly evolving.



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