China’s State Media Under Fire for Underreporting Covid-19 Cases, Experts Caution

Global health experts have criticized China‘s state media for underreporting the number of cases and deaths caused by the new wave of Covid-19 infections in the country.

According to the report of the foreign news agency ‘Reuters’, on December 7, China took a sudden decision and eased the corona restrictions, after which other countries issued instructions to conduct mandatory tests for passengers coming from China.

In China last year, protests against the ‘Zero Covid Policy’ were followed by a change in the policy of corona restrictions, which was the largest public protest against the presidency of President Xi Jinping.

International health experts have predicted at least one million deaths this year in the world’s most populous country.

Yesterday, three deaths were reported from Corona in China. According to official statistics, 5 thousand 253 deaths have been reported in China since the outbreak of the epidemic.

The People’s Daily, the official newspaper of the Communist Party, quoted Chinese experts as saying that most people infected with the virus have mild fever.

Tong Xiaohui, vice president of Beijing Chaoyang Hospital, told the newspaper that currently the rate of serious patients in Beijing hospitals is 3 to 4 percent.

Kang Yan, head of Sichuan University’s West China Tianfu Hospital, said a total of 46 critically ill patients admitted to the ICU in the past three weeks, only one percent of them showed signs of infection.

Local health authorities said that more than 80 percent of people living in Sichuan province have been infected with the new coronavirus infection.

Earlier on December 30, the World Health Organization (WHO) urged Chinese health authorities to regularly disclose real statistics and information on the Covid situation.

The World Health Organization has invited Chinese scientists to present detailed statistics on the virus at a technical advisory group meeting.

The World Health Organization has also directed China to share data on deaths and vaccinations, including those admitted to Chinese hospitals.

According to China’s official media ‘CCTV’, according to the political logic of some European and American people, China’s removal or non-removal of corona restrictions is wrong in both ways.

#Chinas #state #media #underrepresenting #countrys #Covid19 #statistics #criticized #global #health #experts
2024-09-08 03:59:48

Here is a suggested People Also Ask (PAA) related ‌question for​ the title “Underreporting of Covid-19 Cases and⁤ Deaths in China: A Growing Concern”:

Underreporting of Covid-19 Cases and ⁣Deaths in China: A ‍Growing⁢ Concern

Global​ health experts have sounded the alarm, criticizing China’s state⁤ media for underreporting the number ‍of cases and deaths caused by the new wave of Covid-19 infections in the ⁤country. This concern has sparked a heated debate, with ⁢many questioning the accuracy of ⁢the official statistics released⁤ by the Chinese government.

A Sudden‌ U-Turn ⁤in Covid Policy

On December 7, China made a sudden decision to ease ‌its corona restrictions, which⁤ led to other countries issuing instructions to conduct mandatory ⁣tests for passengers ‌coming from China [[2]]. This move ⁤was seen as​ a significant shift from the country’s previous “Zero Covid Policy,” which had⁣ sparked widespread protests across the country last⁢ year. ⁤The protests, which ⁤were the largest public protest against the presidency of President Xi Jinping,⁢ ultimately​ led to a change in the policy of corona restrictions [[2]].

International⁢ Health ‍Experts Predict‌ High Death Toll

International health⁣ experts have predicted ​that China will see at least one million deaths this year, a⁢ staggering figure that has raised concerns about‍ the country’s ⁤ability to contain the virus⁤ [[1]]. The estimate is based on the rapid spread ‌of the virus, which ‌has already infected millions of people ‍in China.

Official Statistics vs.⁤ Reality

According to official statistics, only three deaths were ‍reported from Corona ‌in China yesterday,‍ with a total of 5,253 deaths reported since the outbreak of the epidemic [[1]]. However, many health experts ⁤believe that​ these numbers are grossly underreported, and that the ‌actual number of⁤ cases⁢ and deaths is much higher.

Chinese Experts Downplay Severity of Outbreak

The People’s Daily, the official⁣ newspaper of the ‌Communist Party, has quoted Chinese ​experts as saying that most people infected with the virus have mild fever [[1]]. ⁣Tong⁣ Xiaohui, vice president ​of Beijing Chaoyang⁤ Hospital, ⁤has stated that the rate of serious patients in​ Beijing ⁤hospitals is currently 3 to 4 percent [[1]]. Meanwhile, Kang Yan, head ⁢of Sichuan University’s West China Tianfu Hospital, has reported that only one percent of critically⁤ ill patients admitted to the ICU in the past⁢ three weeks have shown ⁤signs of infection [[1]].

WHO Calls for Transparency

The World Health‍ Organization (WHO) has urged Chinese health authorities ⁢to regularly disclose real statistics and information on the Covid situation ‌ [[1]]. ‌The WHO⁤ has also invited Chinese scientists to present detailed statistics on⁣ the outbreak, in⁤ an⁣ effort to get a more accurate picture of ​the situation.

Local Health Authorities Report High Infection Rates

Local ‍health authorities in Sichuan ⁣province have reported⁢ that more than 80 percent of people living in the province⁢ have⁤ been​ infected with the new coronavirus infection [[1]]. This‌ high infection rate has led many to ⁢question the accuracy of the official statistics, and to wonder⁤ if ⁤the Chinese government is⁢ downplaying the severity of the outbreak.

A⁢ Look Back at the First Wave

As the ‍world ‍grapples with the latest wave of ‌Covid-19 infections in China,⁣ it’s worth looking back at the first wave of the pandemic. According to a study published in The Lancet, as of ⁤March ​18, 2020,​ there were 13,415 confirmed cases and 120 deaths related to Covid-19 in mainland ⁣China, outside of Hubei⁢ province [[3]].


The underreporting of Covid-19 cases ​and deaths in China is a ‍growing concern that has sparked a heated debate about the accuracy of official statistics. With international health experts predicting a high death toll, and local health⁢ authorities reporting high infection rates, it’s clear that more transparency is⁣ needed. The WHO’s call for Chinese health authorities to disclose real statistics and information on the Covid ‍situation is a step in the right direction. As the world ⁣continues to grapple with the pandemic, it’s essential that we have ‍accurate and reliable data to inform‌ our response.

What evidence exists to support claims of underreporting of Covid-19 cases and deaths in China?

Underreporting of Covid-19 Cases and Deaths in China: A Growing Concern

Global health experts have sounded the alarm, criticizing China’s state media for underreporting the number of cases and deaths caused by the new wave of Covid-19 infections in the country. This concern has sparked a heated debate, with many questioning the accuracy of the official statistics released by the Chinese government.

A Sudden U-Turn in Covid Policy

On December 7, China made a sudden



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