China’s Sichuan birth registration abolishes marriage prerequisites – BBC News 中文

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Recently, the Sichuan authorities in China announced that birth registration and marriage restrictions have been abolished, which has aroused concern and heated discussions. The official response pointed out that the new regulation is not to encourage illegitimate births, but to protect the rights and interests of the “unmarried first pregnancy” group.

Population experts told the BBC that the new rules are an improvement in respect of people’s reproductive rights, but will have little effect on improving China’s sluggish birth rate.

new rule

The official website of the Sichuan Provincial Health and Health Commission issued the “Sichuan Provincial Birth Registration Service Management Measures”. The first thing that attracted wide attention was that the birth registration removed the restriction on whether to marry, shifted the center of birth registration to the birth intention and birth results, returned to population monitoring and Reproductive services are standard; secondly, restrictions on the number of births have been abolished, and all citizens who have children must go through birth registration.

Officials confirmed that the measures will come into effect on February 15 this year and will be valid for five years.



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