China’s President Set to Join BRICS Summit in Russia This October

(Beijing) Chinese President Xi Jinping will attend the BRICS summit in Kazan, Russia, in October, his Foreign Minister Wang Yi announced Thursday.

Published at 7:34 a.m.

The Chinese foreign minister confirmed Mr Xi’s participation in the summit during a meeting in St. Petersburg with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

“President Xi is very pleased to accept your invitation,” he told him, according to footage released by Russian media.

“On this occasion, the two heads of state will have new strategic discussions,” he added, stressing how the two leaders have “established solid mutual trust and deep friendship.”

Mr Putin had already indicated that he expected his Chinese counterpart to attend the summit.

The two men are close partners and have met many times over the years to display the “limitless friendship” between their two countries, which has been further strengthened since the Russian offensive in Ukraine.

Moscow and Beijing jointly denounce what they see as American hegemony over international affairs.

Vladimir Putin travelled to Beijing last May to meet with Xi Jinping.

China presents itself as neutral in the conflict in Ukraine and assures that it does not supply any weapons to any party. But the Americans and the Europeans regularly accuse it of offering Russia, targeted by significant Western sanctions, crucial economic support for its war effort.

The BRICS summit is also expected to feature another of Mr Putin’s close partners and Beijing’s regional rivals, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who visited Russia in July.


Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi had already visited Russia in July.

With four members (Brazil, China, India and Russia) when it was created in 2009, the BRICS bloc was joined by South Africa in 2010 and expanded this year to include several other emerging countries, including Egypt and Iran.

Turkey, a NATO member state with sometimes strained relations with its Western allies, announced in early September that it had submitted an application to join the bloc.

Here are some People Also Ask⁤ (PAA) questions related to the title “Xi Jinping to Attend BRICS‌ Summit in Kazan, Russia, in October”:

Xi Jinping to Attend BRICS Summit in Kazan, Russia, in October

In ⁣a significant development, ⁣Chinese President Xi Jinping will attend the BRICS⁤ summit⁢ in Kazan, Russia, in October, as⁤ announced by China’s Foreign Minister Wang Yi on Thursday [[1]]. This move is expected to ‍strengthen the bond between ⁤China and ⁤Russia, two of the world’s most powerful nations.

The Chinese foreign minister confirmed Xi’s participation in the summit during a meeting in St. Petersburg with Russian President Vladimir⁢ Putin. According to footage released by Russian media, Xi Jinping “happily⁤ accepted” Putin’s ‌invitation to attend the BRICS summit in ⁣the Russian city of Kazan in October [[2]].

The two​ heads of⁤ state are expected to have ⁢new strategic⁤ discussions during the summit, building⁢ on the solid mutual trust and deep friendship they have established⁤ over the⁢ years. This close partnership has been further strengthened since⁢ the Russian offensive in Ukraine, with⁤ both countries denouncing what ⁣they see as American hegemony ​over international affairs.

The BRICS summit, which brings together Brazil, Russia, India, China, ‌and South Africa, is a significant event that provides ​a platform for these emerging economies to discuss global⁣ issues ​and promote cooperation. The‍ summit is also expected to feature Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who visited Russia in July and is considered one of Putin’s close ​partners.

China has presented itself as neutral in the conflict in Ukraine and assured that it does not supply any weapons to any party.‌ However, the Americans and the Europeans regularly accuse China of offering ⁤Russia crucial economic support for its war effort, targeted by significant Western sanctions.

This is not the ‌first time Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin have met. In May, Putin travelled to Beijing to meet with Xi Jinping, further solidifying their “limitless friendship” [[3]].​ The two leaders have met⁤ many times over the years, showcasing the ​strong bond between their two countries.

The upcoming BRICS summit is expected to be a significant​ event, with Xi Jinping’s attendance underscoring China’s commitment to strengthening its relationships with other emerging economies. As the world watches,‍ it will be interesting to see⁤ the outcomes of this summit and how it will ‌shape global politics and economies.


What are the implications of Xi Jinping’s attendance at the BRICS Summit in Kazan for Sino-Russian relations?

Xi Jinping to Attend BRICS Summit in Kazan, Russia, in October

In a significant development, Chinese President Xi Jinping is set to attend the BRICS summit in Kazan, Russia, in October. The announcement was made by Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi during a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin in St. Petersburg. This meeting marks a strengthening of the “limitless friendship” between China and Russia, which has been further solidified since the Russian offensive in Ukraine.

Xi Jinping’s participation in the BRICS summit was confirmed by Wang Yi, who stated that the Chinese President “happily accepted” Putin’s invitation to attend the summit [[2]]. During their meeting, Wang Yi highlighted the strong mutual trust and deep friendship between the two leaders, paving the way for new strategic discussions [[1]].

The BRICS summit is expected to feature other prominent leaders, including Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who visited Russia in July. Modi’s presence at the summit is significant, given India’s status as a regional rival to China.

China and Russia have been strengthening their ties in recent years, with both nations denouncing what they see as American hegemony over international affairs. The Russian offensive in Ukraine has further solidified their partnership, with China presenting itself as neutral in the conflict and claiming not to supply weapons to any party. However, the United States and European nations have accused China of providing crucial economic support to Russia, which is targeted by significant Western sanctions.

This is not the first time Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin have met. Putin travelled to Beijing last May to meet with Xi Jinping, and the two leaders have met many times over the years to display their “limitless friendship” [[3]].

The upcoming BRICS summit in Kazan, Russia, is expected to be a significant event, with Xi Jinping’s attendance underscoring China’s commitment to strengthening its ties with Russia and other BRICS nations. As the world watches, the summit is likely to have significant implications for global politics and economies.


[1] <a href="”>





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