“China’s peace plan for Russia-Ukraine war: Special envoy Li Hui’s visit to Europe and doubts raised”

2023-05-15 06:30:03

Chinese special envoy Li Hui arrived in war-torn Ukraine on the 15th. He will also visit Russia and European countries, aiming to mediate the war between Russia and Ukraine, and formally launch China’s peace plan of “persuading peace and promoting talks” between Ukraine and Russia; but Li Hui’s deep ties to Russia have aroused doubts. Western countries hold a wait-and-see attitude towards Li Hui. In addition, the Chinese ambassador to France, Lu Shaye, recently stated that the former Soviet republics are not worthy of the status of a sovereign state. Domestically, it is supported by many people who are pro-Russian and suspicious of the United States, and believe that the international order should not be dictated by the United States and Europe.

The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) reported on the 14th that Li Hui will visit Poland, France and Germany separately. This trip will take the most concrete steps on behalf of China to intervene in the diplomatic mediation aimed at ending the war between Russia and Ukraine, trying to act as a “peace envoy”.

Chinese President Xi Jinping visited Moscow in March. After meeting with President Putin, he spoke with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and said that he would send a special envoy to Ukraine. Chinese special envoy Li Hui arrived in Kiev on the 15th to start talks. (Getty Images)

More than a year after the Russo-Ukrainian war broke out, China still has not acknowledged Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Instead, Beijing has criticized Washington and its allies for supplying arms to Kiev, echoing many of Russia’s public positions.

U.S. and European officials said they were open to China’s efforts to help end the Russia-Ukraine war. German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock welcomed China’s reaffirmation of the former Soviet Union’s sovereignty, adding that the same recognition should be extended to Ukraine.

Ukrainian President Zelensky visited Italy last weekend, during which he expressed doubts about the peace agreement brokered by the mediator; in addition to China, the Vatican, Brazil and other countries have proposed to help mediate a ceasefire; but Zelensky said that because Russian President Ting blindly kills, Wuguo can’t negotiate with him.

The West generally believes that China, like Russia, is increasingly meddling in the affairs of other countries, spreading the seeds of doubting the sovereignty of certain countries, and threatening those who challenge their interests; Li Hui, the special envoy to Europe, previously served as China’s ambassador to Russia for ten years.

For decades since the Mao Zedong era, China has pledged to respect the sovereignty of other countries and avoid interfering in the internal affairs of other countries. This is China’s basic foreign policy; but today, more and more officials in the Western bloc headed by the United States are becoming more and more suspicious. China has tried every means to subvert the international status quo, and one of its methods is to closely associate with Russia.

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China is launching an intensive diplomatic offensive against the European continent, and Li Hui’s visit is one of them; Foreign Minister Qin Gang visited Germany, France and Norway last week. Germany, seen as the most reliable European partner, now sees China as an adversary rather than a partner.

Lu Shaye, Chinese ambassador to France, was interviewed in April and made inappropriate remarks, which caused great disturbance in the European continent. However, he has not received any punishment from Beijing so far, and it is considered that his speech is not inappropriate. (Associated Press)

In addition, Lu Shaye questioned the legal basis of the establishment of the former Soviet Union on French TV in April, including Ukraine; Lu Shaye said, “These former Soviet countries do not even have an effective status according to international law, because there is no international agreement. implement them as sovereign states”.

Lu Shaye’s speech sparked fierce criticism from European leaders, and the Chinese Foreign Ministry quickly cut it off, claiming that Lu Shaye’s speech only represented his personal views. Chinese President Xi Jinping also quickly followed up, paving the way for Li Hui’s trip with his first phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky since the outbreak of the war.

But in China, Lu Shaye’s remarks aroused people’s sympathy for Russia’s resurgence and their criticism of the United States.

In China, Lu Shaye’s speech was welcomed on social media, widely praised and forwarded by netizens, and the voices of Lu Shaye’s praise were huge.

China tried to mediate the Ukrainian war, and Beijing sent its Eurasian special envoy Li Hui to Ukraine on the 15th to officially launch the war. The picture shows Russian President Vladimir Putin awarding the “Medal of Friendship” to “Russian Hand” Li Hui. (China News Agency)

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