China’s new energy vehicles’ ambitions and future challenges after 13 years of subsidy withdrawal – BBC News 中文

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A year ago, Chinese officials issued a document announcing the termination of the new energy vehicle purchase subsidy policy on December 31, 2022. Now, this 13-year new energy subsidy program has withdrawn from the stage of history.

Judging from the results, this plan is undoubtedly a success. China has become the world’s largest new energy vehicle production and market since 2015. Many rising new energy vehicle companies are ambitious when they enter the international market.

However, subsidies are also accompanied by controversy. For example, the United States and other Western countries opposed the subsidy behavior, which caused trade disputes.

Looking forward, gradually saying goodbye to the “subsidy era” means that the industry will switch from policy-driven to market-driven. How will China’s new car companies respond to this change? Will the chip (chip) ban imposed by the United States on China “stuck the neck” once more? Will the “manufacturing transformation and upgrading” promoted by China be realized with the rise of new energy vehicles?



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