China’s Logistics Industry Prosperity Index Announced in December: Decrease Significantly Narrows and Logistics Enterprises Restore Confidence

Source title: China’s logistics industry prosperity index announced in December: the decline has narrowed significantly and logistics companies have regained confidence

CCTV news:The China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing announced today (January 4) the prosperity index of China’s logistics industry in December 2022. Due to the short-term impact of the epidemic, the logistics supply chain has been disrupted to a certain extent, and urban distribution and e-commerce express delivery have been greatly affected. In the later period, as the epidemic prevention and control policy continues to be optimized and the impact of the epidemic weakens, it is expected that the recovery pace of the industrial chain will gradually accelerate, the demand side will gradually stabilize and upward, and the recovery process of the industry is expected to improve significantly.

In December 2022, China’s logistics industry prosperity index was 46%, a decrease of 0.4 percentage points from the previous month, and the decline rate narrowed by 2 percentage points from the previous month.

From the perspective of demand, the new order index in December 2022 was 45.2%, a decrease of 0.7 percentage points from the previous month, and a decrease of 1.9 percentage points from the previous month.

In addition, under the short-term impact of the epidemic, urban distribution and e-commerce express delivery will be greatly affected. In December 2022, the turnover of e-commerce express outlets across the country will slow down, the delivery time will be greatly extended, the order acceptance rate will drop, and the total business index of the postal express industry will drop by more than 10 percentage points from the previous month.

Experts said that the macro economy is in the stage of climbing and overcoming obstacles, and the triple pressure of demand contraction, supply shock, and weakening expectations is still relatively large; but in the medium and long term, my country’s economy has strong resilience, great potential, and sufficient vitality. The implementation of the Outline of Domestic Demand Strategic Planning and the “14th Five-Year Plan” Modern Logistics Development Plan has been accelerated, and logistics services have a broad market.

At the macro level, a number of relief policies related to the logistics field, such as 100 billion yuan in special re-loans for transportation and logistics, and reduction of toll road truck tolls, have been implemented, effectively helping the development of the logistics industry. At the micro level, related loans to freight drivers and other groups should be extended to further improve the financing efficiency of the logistics industry and alleviate the financial pressure of the logistics industry to a certain extent.

Liu Yuhang, Director of China Logistics Information Center:As for the supporting policies in the field of logistics, such as the implementation of special re-loans for logistics, they have played a huge supporting role in restoring confidence, growth vitality and micro-management of logistics companies. It is also very rare for the logistics industry to maintain a steady recovery of growth under relatively high pressure.



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