China Zhengzhou men’s health code suspected of being stolen more than 20 times in three months – Hong Kong

The Chinese government has used the health code for a long time to help fight the epidemic. Citizens need to show the “green health code” to enter and leave public places and take public transportation. For citizens at risk of infection, the health code will be displayed in yellow or red. However, recently, the personal information of some citizens in Zhengzhou, Henan Province was suspected to have been stolen, and the health code turned red twenty times in three months.

▲Reprinted fromJimu News

Mr. Huang from Zhengzhou, Henan contacted the Chinese media on April 9, saying that on January 23 this year, he found that his health code turned red for the first time.

After the quarantine was over, the victim underwent two tests, and the health code turned green. But after a day, his health code turned red again. Mr. Huang conducted two more tests before the relevant departments turned his health code to green. However, within a few days, its health code turned red again. For a period of time after that, Mr. Huang continued to experience the situation that the health code repeatedly “changed from green to red”, and each time the victim had to apply to the relevant department to “change the code” and sign a statement stating that he had never visited other areas.

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After the victim inquired with relevant departments, he learned that he had visited South Korea, the United States, Beijing and other regions in the records. Some netizens suspected that the incident was caused by Mr. Huang’s use of circumvention software, but Mr. Huang denied to reporters that he had used the software and suspected that someone had stolen his personal information.

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▲Reprinted fromJimu News

▲Reprinted fromJimu News

The staff of the local sub-district office pointed out that since Mr. Huang came to ask for help many times, the staff also knew that he had been in Zhengzhou, so they “changed the code” for him many times. At present, his health code has returned to normal, but it has not yet been checked. the reason behind.

▲Reprinted fromJimu News

Data and picture sources:Jimu News Mewe page:

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