“China Woman Fired for Habitual Lateness: Labor Arbitration Case and Company Response”

2023-04-19 14:16:46

In China, a woman was habitually late and was expelled from the company within 58 days of her employment. (Schematic diagram / flip from pixabay)

Generally speaking, employees should arrive on time for work, and if they are late, it should not be too long. However, there is a woman in Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province, China, who was dismissed by the company because she was too late. Dissatisfied with the company’s compensation plan, she applied for labor arbitration. What made people dumbfounded was that on the day of the court hearing, she was still late as usual.

According to “White Deer Video” report, Mr. Lu, the director of the company, revealed that the woman was late for an interview on the day of the interview, but because the company was short of people, and seeing that she had 4 years of experience on her resume, she hired her. It’s just that after the woman entered the job on December 26 last year, her work ability and resume clearly did not match, and she was late for various reasons many times. She still had a poor work attitude after many interviews and was still habitually late.

The supervisor summoned him to inform him that he would be dismissed. (Picture / flip from Weibo)

When the woman was employed for 58 days, Mr. Lu discussed with her about salary and severance. “What I communicated with her was that this month will be considered full attendance, and she will be compensated for 10 more days’ wages. At that time, she agreed.” When it was time to write a resignation certificate, the woman suddenly disagreed and demanded compensation for one and a half months’ wages. The agreement between the two parties failed, and the labor-management arbitration was adopted. As a result, on the day of the court session, the woman was 16 minutes late.

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In the end, the arbitration rejected the woman’s application, and still followed the company’s original plan to pay full attendance wages, with 10 days’ extra compensation. Unexpectedly, the woman was dissatisfied with the arbitration result and slandered the company and the arbitrators in her circle of friends, and the company called the police to verbally warn her. Mr. Lu also mentioned that the women used false names in the interview materials and resume, and did not know her real name until she handed in the materials on the day of employment.

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