China Securities Regulatory Commission: Resolutely implement the spirit of the Central Economic Work Conference to better serve the overall improvement of the economy – Teller Report

Source title: China Securities Regulatory Commission: Resolutely implement the spirit of the Central Economic Work Conference to better serve the overall economic improvement

People’s Daily Online, Beijing, December 21 (Reporter Wang Zhen) According to the website of the China Securities Regulatory Commission, a few days ago, the China Securities Regulatory Commission held a meeting of the party committee to communicate and learn from the spirit of the Central Economic Work Conference. better.

The Party Committee of the China Securities Regulatory Commission believes that with the implementation of the spirit of the Central Economic Work Conference, a series of unexpected policy effects have gradually emerged, and various policies have been coordinated and coordinated. The pattern of my country’s overall economic recovery has been further consolidated, and fundamental factors affecting the operation of the capital market will be significant my country’s capital market will maintain a stable and positive trend in general. The Party Committee of the China Securities Regulatory Commission will organize the whole system to thoroughly study and implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, fully implement the overall requirements, expected goals, and major tasks and measures determined by the Central Economic Work Conference, adhere to the focus on the center, serve the overall situation, and adhere to the principle of stability and stability. We will make progress, effectively achieve “six better overall plans”, accelerate the construction of a modern capital market with Chinese characteristics, continuously improve the functions of the capital market, better support self-reliance and self-improvement in science and technology, effectively manage and control various risks, and better promote high-quality economic development.

The first is to promote the comprehensive deepening of capital market reforms in a steady, in-depth and solid manner. Deeply promote the reform of the stock issuance registration system, highlight the essence of leaving the right to choose to the market, combine decentralization and management, and improve the efficiency of resource allocation. Closely focus on key areas and weak links such as key manufacturing industry chains, technological innovation, and private enterprises, improve the supply of capital market systems, and help the virtuous circle of “technology-industry-finance”. Make better use of the functions of the futures market, serve the risk management of real enterprises, and help ensure supply and price stability. Accelerate the transformation of capital market supervision and promote the modernization of the capital market governance system and governance capabilities.

The second is to expand the high-level institutional opening of the capital market. Promote the implementation of the Shanghai-Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect to expand targets and optimize the trading calendar. Promote the formation of a normalized cooperation mechanism for China-US audit supervision, and create a more stable and predictable international regulatory cooperation environment. Promote the implementation of the reform of the overseas listing system of enterprises, and accelerate the implementation of “green light” cases for overseas listing of platform enterprises. Deepen the pragmatic cooperation between the mainland and Hong Kong capital markets, and support Hong Kong in consolidating its status as an international financial center.

The third is to fully implement a new round of three-year action plan to promote the improvement of the quality of listed companies. In terms of market access, information disclosure, continuous supervision, etc., further implement the requirements for equal treatment of state-owned enterprises and private enterprises, and strive to promote the integration of resources and improve competitiveness of state-owned listed companies, promote the standardized and stable development of private listed companies, and continuously optimize listing Company structure, improve the overall quality. Steadily promote the reform of the registration system for mergers, acquisitions and reorganizations, implement the “segmentation system” and “small-amount fast” review mechanisms, and better support enterprises to improve quality and efficiency and accelerate development through mergers and acquisitions.

The fourth is to vigorously support the stable development of the real estate market. Increase efforts and speed up the implementation of various supporting policies and measures in the capital market to achieve results, and help the transformation of the real estate development model. Fully implement the plan to improve the balance sheet of high-quality real estate enterprises, continue to implement special support plans and support tools for private enterprise bond financing, and better promote central and local cooperation to increase credit and jointly support private real estate enterprises to issue bonds. Implement the equity financing policies for real estate companies that have been issued, allow qualified real estate companies to “backdoor” listed real estate companies, and allow listed companies in closely related industries such as real estate and construction to implement real estate-related restructuring. Accelerate the creation of affordable rental housing REITs sector.

The fifth is to effectively maintain the stable operation of the capital market. Accelerate the reform of the investment side, guide social security funds, insurance funds, enterprise annuities and other medium and long-term funds to increase their entry into the market, and promote the formation of a market scale for pension investment public offering funds as soon as possible. Resolutely fight the tough and protracted battle to prevent and defuse major risks, continue to defuse risks in key areas such as private equity funds, bond defaults, and gold exchanges in a steady and orderly manner, strengthen monitoring, analysis, and overall response to cross-market, cross-border, and cross-sector risks, and improve The capital market risk prevention, early warning, and accountability system system resolutely guards the bottom line of risks.



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