China responds to US accusations over its relations with Russia

China responds to US accusations over its relations with Russia

The organization’s member countries condemned Beijing for its “ever-deepening strategic partnership” with Moscow.

International.- The Chinese government opposed “firmly” to US accusations that the Asian giant would be supporting Russia’s defense industry.

During a public forum at the summit of the I’LL TAKE On Wednesday, US Secretary of State, Antony Blinkenaccused Moscow of stockpiling weapons over the past year and a half, which was “the result of a China-fueled defense industrial base.”

The next day, Beijing Foreign Ministry spokesman, Lin Jian, He spoke about these statements at a press conference.We strongly oppose the dissemination of false information by the United States. “We deplore and reject the erroneous statements by the US side,” he stressed.

He also recalled that at the beginning of the conflict in Ukraine, Washington spread false rumors that China was providing military support to Russia. “To date, the US has not provided any substantial evidence,” the spokesman said, adding that even US military leaders admitted that there was no military assistance.

Criticism for cooperation with Russia

During the aforementioned summit of the I’LL TAKEthe organization’s member countries condemned Beijing for its “ever-deepening strategic partnership” with Moscow, accusing both of trying “undermine and reshape the rules-based international order.”

In a similar vein, US President Joe Biden threatened the Asian giant over its relations with Russia. “We have to make sure that Xi Jinping understands that there is a price to pay for undermining both the Pacific Rim and Europe, when it comes to Russia and its handling of Ukraine,” the president said.

“I think you’re going to see some of our European friends start to slow down their investments in Russia, excuse me, I mean China, if China continues to provide indirect assistance to Russia in terms of boosting its economy, as well as helping it in its ability to fight in Ukraine,” he said.

#China #responds #accusations #relations #Russia
2024-07-23 23:06:39



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