China not flexible on zero covid policy; Xi Jinping said that military strength will be increased for national security China | Covid | Chinese President

Chinese President Xi Jinping reiterated that Taiwan and Hong Kong are integral parts of China and stated that he will increase military power for national security. Xi’s remarks were made in the opening speech of the 20th Party Congress of the Chinese Communist Party. She also hinted that there will be no relaxation in the criticized zero covid policy.

In a speech that lasted less than two hours, Xi Jinping emphasized on national security and the implementation of the One China Policy. In a speech that lasted less than two hours, Xi spoke about national security 73 times and stated that he would increase military strength. Aiming at Taiwan, Xi said that the country’s reunification will become a reality. The statement was met with applause by the delegates. Xi Jinping also defended the national security law introduced to control the people of Hong Kong. He said that through the law it was possible to bring Hong Kong from riots to peace.

Xi Jinping also indicated that the zero covid policy which has caused severe dissatisfaction among the Chinese people will continue. Zero Covid is people’s fight against virus. It helped to save many people’s lives. But Shee also admitted that the economy has been adversely affected. The conference will conclude on the 22nd of this month with the participation of 2,296 delegates. There are indications that Xi Jinping will be elected as the General Secretary of the Party for the third time.

Chinese President Xi Jinping has said that military strength will be increased for national security

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