“China News” ten departments promote the elimination of cervical cancer action, to speed up the approval of domestic HPV vaccine | Anue Juheng – A shares

news="">“Economic News Agency 20th Special News” National Health and Medical Commission, National Medical Insurance Administration and other 10 departments issued the “Action Plan for Accelerating the Elimination of Cervical Cancer (2023-2030)”, aiming to promote HPV vaccination services for school-age girls on a pilot basis by 2025; Cervical cancer screening rate for women of appropriate age reaches 50%; treatment rate for cervical cancer and precancerous lesions reaches 90%. By 2030, continue to promote the HPV vaccination pilot work for school-age girls; the cervical cancer screening rate of school-age women will reach 70%; the treatment rate of cervical cancer and precancerous lesions will reach 90%.

news="">The plan proposes to promote HPV vaccination, accelerate the review and approval of domestic HPV vaccines that meet the requirements, strengthen the standardized management of HPV vaccination, establish true and complete records of vaccine purchase, storage, distribution, and supply, and promptly announce qualified vaccination units. list, and do a good job in monitoring and handling suspected abnormal vaccination reactions. Actively play the role of schools in organizing and mobilizing to increase the willingness of school-age girls to be vaccinated against HPV. Encourage qualified areas to carry out HPV vaccination pilots, and explore multiple channels to support school-age girls in areas with insufficient resources. (dw)

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