China-Brazil Peace Plan

The department noted that all peaceful ideas can be discussed on the already created Peace Summit platform.

The Foreign Ministry noted that such “peaceful initiatives” only create the “illusion of dialogue” / photo UNIAN

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine said that it was disappointed by the information about Switzerland’s decision to support the initiative of China and Brazil, which concerns ending the war in Ukraine.

“We cannot understand the logic of such a decision. After all, together with the Swiss Confederation, we organized the First Global Peace Summit on June 15-16 in Bürgenstock, which was attended by representatives of one hundred countries and international institutions. Our countries continue to actively cooperate to increase the number of signatories of the final Communiqué of this summit, Switzerland participates in thematic conferences on specific points of the Peace Formula, the purpose of which is to prepare a common peace framework for restoring a comprehensive, just and sustainable peace for Ukraine,” the message said. Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The department recalled that all ideas, discussions and plans for peace in Ukraine should have two principles:

  • Nothing about Ukraine without Ukraine.
  • These proposals must be based on the UN Charter and respect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine within its internationally recognized borders.

The Foreign Ministry added that such peaceful ideas can be discussed on the platform proposed by the Peace Summit.

“We consider the Peace Formula of the President of Ukraine Vladimir Zelensky to be the only path to a comprehensive, fair and sustainable peace. There is no need to create additional formats and platforms for discussing ways to achieve peace for Ukraine. The Peace Formula provides complete tools and appropriate platforms for discussing all ideas, consolidating various visions and concepts,” the ministry emphasized.

The Foreign Ministry also noted that any initiatives that do not have a clear reference to the UN Charter and do not guarantee the full restoration of the territorial integrity of Ukraine are unacceptable. Such “peaceful initiatives” only create the “illusion of dialogue,” while Russia continues to commit criminal acts.

The Foreign Ministry called on Switzerland and all countries that support international law and the UN Charter not to participate in such “peace initiatives,” because they can only complicate the process of achieving a just peace for Ukraine.

“Those initiatives that do not recognize the fact of Russia’s unprovoked armed aggression against Ukraine, equate the victim and the aggressor, and propose de-escalation at the expense of the sovereignty and territories of Ukraine, cannot be supported by Ukraine,” the message concluded.

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Peace Initiative between China and Brazil – what is known

As UNIAN reported, in the spring Brazil and China proposed their plan for resolving the war in Ukraine, which has six main points. The two countries propose to stop hostilities and move on to the negotiation process. However, in this regard, we are not talking about the withdrawal of occupation forces from Ukraine, the punishment of war criminals and the payment of compensation to Ukraine for the destruction committed by the Russian Federation.

Also, China, together with the countries of the Global South, intends to create a “Friends of Peace” platform, which will be aimed at “a political settlement of the war in Ukraine.” China noted that this platform is open and does not seek to compete with anyone.

At the same time, the representative of Brazil noted that China’s “peace plan” is of great importance.

“Both sides can continue to work together to play the role of ‘friends of peace’, reach a common consensus and help cool the situation,” he said.

Later it became known that Switzerland supported such a peace plan, because it “calls for a ceasefire and a political solution to the conflict” and “offers an alternative to aggressive rhetoric from both the Ukrainian and Russian sides.”

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