China Asks Israel to Leave Palestine

China urges Israel to comply with UN resolutions.(IDF)

THE Chinese government welcomes the United Nations (UN) General Assembly resolution calling on Israel to end its illegal occupation of the Palestinian territories and looks forward to the real implementation of the decision.

“China supports the resolution and votes in favor, and hopes that the resolution will be fully implemented,” Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Lin Jian said at a press conference in Beijing, China on Thursday (19/9), as reported by Antara, Friday (20/9).

The UN General Assembly on Wednesday (18/9) unanimously supported the adoption of a resolution calling for an end to Israel’s unlawful occupation within 12 months. The resolution, proposed by Palestine, was adopted by overwhelming consensus, with 124 member states voting in favor, 14 against and 43 abstaining.

Co-sponsored by Turkey and more than 50 other member states, the resolution demands that Israel’s occupation of the Palestinian territories is illegal under international law, including decisions of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) and the United Nations Security Council (UNSC).

“China welcomes and appreciates the adoption by a wide margin of the draft resolution on the advisory opinion on the Israeli presence in the occupied Palestinian territory at the emergency special session of the UN General Assembly,” Lin Jian added.

Lin Jian said it has been almost a year since the ongoing conflict in Gaza broke out and despite four emergency special sessions on the Palestine issue at the UN General Assembly, four resolutions adopted by the Security Council, the ICJ’s order on temporary measures and the international community’s strong call for a ceasefire, fighting is still raging in Gaza and innocent civilian casualties are increasing every day.

“Ending the occupation is not an option, but an obligation, ending the fighting is not just a call of one country, but an international consensus. Implementing the two-state solution is the only viable way to resolve the Palestinian issue,” Lin Jian said.

Also read: Declaration of Faction Rejecting Israel’s Attempts to Evict the Palestinian People

The relevant parties, especially Israel, according to Lin Jian, need to seriously implement the resolutions of the UN Security Council and General Assembly. “Stop the military operation in Gaza without delay, and
stop illegal settlement activities in the West Bank. The countries concerned need to show a responsible attitude and take concrete actions to promote the implementation of UN resolutions,” Lin Jian added.

Lin Jian said China will continue to stand on the side of peace and justice and stand with the majority of countries, communicate closely with other parties, play a positive and constructive role in promoting a ceasefire, easing the humanitarian crisis, restoring peace and stability in the region, and strive to find a comprehensive, just and lasting solution to the Palestine issue.

The UN resolution also noted that Israeli settlements violate international law, and affirmed that the Palestinian people have the right to self-determination in accordance with the UN Charter. It reaffirmed that the Palestinian issue remains the responsibility of the UN until it is resolved in accordance with international law and highlighted the need for Israel to immediately end the occupation that began in 1967.

Furthermore, the resolution also asks UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres to submit a report on the implementation of the resolution within three months of its adoption. The European Union (EU) also reaffirmed its commitment to the 1967 borders. The 1967 borders of Palestine are internationally recognized borders, which include the Gaza Strip, East Jerusalem and the West Bank. (I-2)

#China #Asks #Israel #Leave #Palestine



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